Turbine Testing Laboratory and its Role in Hydropower Development


  • Bhola Thapa Science and Technology
  • Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU




Hydraulic turbine, Test laboratory, Turbine performance, Sand erosion


With the increase in project developers, manufacturers and independent power producers, there is increasing demand for the quality, performance and reliability of the components and system. Occasionally there are disputes between these parties in term of life and efficiency. Normally, local manufacturers adopt foreign design, which may not be best for the local condition due to several reasons. One prominent example of such problem is sand erosion of turbines and other components. In the absence of test facilities in the country, there is not signifi cant contribution in design, modifi cation and performance analysis of hydro power turbines in Nepal.

The Turbine Testing Laboratory of capacity 300 kW is proposed at Kathmandu University, which can test scaled model of
large size turbines. The activities in the Turbine Testing Laboratory are: Performance testing of hydraulic turbines, pumps and other hydro-mechanical components, Developments of new turbines, education and training, and applied research to solve problems of hydropower industry.

Turbine Testing Laboratories have played significant role in development of hydropower in several countries. The proposed laboratory at Kathmandu University is also expected to contribute for hydropower development in Nepal.

Key words: Hydraulic turbine; Test laboratory; Turbine performance; Sand erosion

DOI: 10.3126/hn.v5i0.2496

Hydro Nepal Vol. 5, July 2009 Page:66-70


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Author Biographies

Bhola Thapa, Science and Technology

Bhola Thapa PhD from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research area is Sand Erosion of Hydraulic Machinery. He has done ME and BE in Mechanical Engineering from India.

Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU

Ole G. Dahlhaug, PhD is Professor at Waterpower
Laboratory at NTNU.
Asia, Danang, Vietnam.


How to Cite

Thapa, B., & Dahlhaug, O. G. (2010). Turbine Testing Laboratory and its Role in Hydropower Development. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 5, 66–70. https://doi.org/10.3126/hn.v5i0.2496


