Efficacy of Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii as an Adjuvant Therapy in Acute Childhood Diarrhoea


  • Dillip Kumar Dash IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar
  • Mrutunjaya Dash IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar
  • M.D. Mohanty IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar
  • Naresh Acharya IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar




Childhood diarrhoea, Saccharomyces boulardii, therapy.


Introduction: Administration of S. boulardii in addition to rehydration therapy in diarrhea found to be beneficial in many aspects owing to a variety of causes and importantly it is was not associated with any adverse effects.

Material and Methods: We conducted a prospective study of children suffering from acute diarrhoea, at a private tertiary care hospital. Children were divided into 2 groups randomly as per odd(Group 1 ) and even (Group 2) bed allotted in indoor at the time of admission: Group 1 included children on oral rehydration therapy (ORT) + Zinc + Saccharomyces boulardii (Probiotic 5 billion CFU twice daily) and Group 2 comprised of children on ORT+ Zinc. Our objective was to systematically review data on the effect of S. boulardii on acute childhood diarrhoea.

Results: Out of a total of 126 children less than 2 years, 2-6 years and 6-14 years were 72 (57.14%), 42(33.33%) and 12(09.52%) respectively. The duration of diarrhoea in Group 1 was 26.31 hours and Group 2 was 47.81 hours (p<0.01). The frequency of diarrhoea showed improvement within 24 and 72 hours in Group 1 and Group 2 respectively (p<0.01).Similarly, the mean duration of hospital stay was 2.68 days in Group 1 and 4.8 days in Group 2.The treatment cost was INR 850 and INR 1650 while social cost was INR 1250 and 2600 in Group 1 and 2 respectively.

Conclusion:This study shows that S. boulardii reduced the duration, frequency and hospital stay of diarrhoea thereby reducing the treatment and social costs.

J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2016;36(3):250-255


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Author Biographies

Dillip Kumar Dash, IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar

Professor, Department of pediatrics

Mrutunjaya Dash, IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar

Professor, Department of Paediatrics

M.D. Mohanty, IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar

Professor, Department of Paediatrics

Naresh Acharya, IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar

Senior Resident, Department of Paediatrics




How to Cite

Dash, D. K., Dash, M., Mohanty, M., & Acharya, N. (2017). Efficacy of Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii as an Adjuvant Therapy in Acute Childhood Diarrhoea. Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society, 36(3), 250–255. https://doi.org/10.3126/jnps.v36i3.15539



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