Evaluation of Powerhouse Cavern for the SachKhas Hydroelectric Project in Himachal, India


  • Ajender Rathore MSc student
  • Krishna Kanta Panthi Geological Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)




Hydroelectric project, Powerhouse cavern, SachKhas, India.


Evaluation of an underground powerhouse cavern’s stability is a challenging task and needs to be carried out carefully by taking care of its location, orientation and dimensioning. This article deals with the stability evaluation of a large underground powerhouse cavern, which is located at the toe of the valley side slope where the depth varies between 59m (minimum) and 70m (maximum). The planned powerhouse cavern has a dimension consisting 130m length, 23m wide and 48 m high. The manuscript evaluates the extent of pre-construction phase engineering geological investigations of the project, discusses on the selection of input parameters and carries out assessment on the displacement conditions at the cavern and also assesses the extent of yielded zone at the toe slope. Finally, recommendations are suggested on the location and orientation of the powerhouse cavern, uncertainties involved in numerical analysis and boundary conditions for 2D and 3D models under gravitational field stress.

HYDRO Nepal Journal

Journal of Water Energy and Environment

Issue: 20

Page: 23-30


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Author Biographies

Ajender Rathore, MSc student

Ajender Rathore has completed his MSc study in Hydropower Development in 2016 from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. He has three years of experience in construction supervision and design for Hydropower Projects in India.

Krishna Kanta Panthi, Geological Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Krishna Kanta Panthi is an Associate Professor in Geological Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) since 2008. He has long design, construction and research experience in tunnelling and hydropower development in the Himalaya and around the world. He is an author of many scientific papers published in internationally recognized journals and conferences.




How to Cite

Rathore, A., & Panthi, K. K. (2017). Evaluation of Powerhouse Cavern for the SachKhas Hydroelectric Project in Himachal, India. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 20, 23–30. https://doi.org/10.3126/hn.v20i0.16485


