Clinical Profile of Injuries due to Paragliding Accident Attended in a Tertiary Hospital of Western Region of Nepal


  • Ishwar Sharma Kandel Department of Orthopedic & Trauma surgery, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara
  • K Acharya Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara
  • S Gupta Department of General Practices and Emergency Medicine, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara
  • B Shrestha Department of General Practices and Emergency Medicine, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara
  • KB Bista Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara
  • RM Dhakal Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery
  • N Tripathi Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara



Accidents, Foot, Injury, Paragliding, Pokhara


Introduction: Paragliding is an adventurous aerial sport which is performed regularly in and around Pokhara. The Western Region of Nepal (Especially Pokhara, Parbat, Baglung and Syanjya) is famous not only for its natural beauty but for adventurous sports like paragliding, ultraflight and bungee jumping etc. The growing popularity of paragliding sport has led to a steady increase in the number of associated injuries.

Objectives: The main objective of this retrospective review is to find out characteristic of injuries in different of paragliding accidents.

Methods: This is a retrospective review of paragliding injury cases who attended emmergency department of Gandaki Medical College, Pokhara, Nepal from June 2009 to May 2016. Demographic profile (Age, sex, address), type of flight, timing of accident, severity and pattern of injures were collected and analyzed using the frequency table.

Results: Among 60 people who faced accidents and brought to hospital, four of them with severe multiple trauma were declared dead in the emergency department at the time of arrival. Fifty six patients were injured with varieties of injury. Among 56 survived patients, 14 (25%) were minor injuries and discharged from the Emergency Department after treatment for soft tissue trauma like abrasion or sprain. Twelve patients with polytrauma (Including four chest injury, two abdominal injury with multiple bone fractures) and rest of the patients were admitted and treated/reffered/discharged.

Conclusion: Lower limb especially foot and ankle injury were the commonest type of injury followed by spine fracture in paragliding accidents.


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Author Biographies

Ishwar Sharma Kandel, Department of Orthopedic & Trauma surgery, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Associate Professor

K Acharya, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Associate Professor

S Gupta, Department of General Practices and Emergency Medicine, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Assistant professor

B Shrestha, Department of General Practices and Emergency Medicine, Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Associate Professor

KB Bista, Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Assistant professor

RM Dhakal, Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery

Assistant professor

N Tripathi, Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma surgery Gandaki Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Pokhara

Assistant Professor




How to Cite

Kandel, I. S., Acharya, K., Gupta, S., Shrestha, B., Bista, K., Dhakal, R., & Tripathi, N. (2018). Clinical Profile of Injuries due to Paragliding Accident Attended in a Tertiary Hospital of Western Region of Nepal. Journal of Gandaki Medical College-Nepal, 11(02), 51–54.



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