Fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to Blood Group


  • L Jha Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Janaki Medical College
  • K D Das Department of Community Medicine, Janaki Medical College
  • Z Ahamad Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Janaki Medical College



Fingerprint, Blood group, Rh – type, Dactylography


Background  and  Objectives:  The  study  of  friction  ridge  patterns  of  fingertip  is  known  as dermatoglyphics.  Although  human  beings  have  been  using  fingerprints  as  a  means  of identification for a long time, in this study an effort has been made to study a fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to ABO Rh blood group, so that one can get an idea about the expected blood group from the study of fingerprint pattern and vice versa.

Material and Methods:  A plain thumb print was taken by applying ink to the tip of right hand thumb and place in the thumb directly on paper with a gen tle pressure and the rolled fingerprint was taken by rolling the thumb on paper from outward to inward in such a way as to obtain an impression of whole tip. The blood   group was determined and recorded along with other details of the study subjects after taking inform consent. Data were entered in excel and analyzed.

Results: It was observed that percentage of Loops were highest in AB blood group (76.92%) and O blood group with (71.05%) common in A and B blood group with 57.14%. Also, percentage of Whorls  in  A  blood  group  was  highest  (42.86%)  as  compared  to  lowest  in  AB  blood  group (23.08%),  in  blood  group  B  and  O  the  distribution  of   whorls  pattern  are  39.28%  and  28.95% respectively. Similarly, percentage of Arch was least in B blood group (3.84%).

Conclusion: This study showed that there is an association between ridges of fingertip and different blood group.

Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2015) Vol. 3 (2): 58-61



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Author Biographies

L Jha, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Janaki Medical College

Assistant Professor

K D Das, Department of Community Medicine, Janaki Medical College

Assistant Professor

Z Ahamad, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Janaki Medical College

Associate Professor




How to Cite

Jha, L., Das, K. D., & Ahamad, Z. (2016). Fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to Blood Group. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science, 3(2), 58–61.



Research Articles