Incidence of end stage renal disease on renal replacement therapy in Nepal


  • R Hada National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital,
  • S Khakurel National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital
  • RK Agrawal National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital
  • RK Kafle National Kidney Centre
  • SB Bajracharya Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni
  • KB Raut Tribhuban University Teaching Hospital



End stage renal disease, Renal replacement therapy, Haemodialysis, Intermittent peritoneal dialysis, Incidence of end stage renal disease, Nepal


Background: End stage renal disease patients are treated with dialysis in Nepal. But there is no renal registry to indicate the burden of disease in the country.
Objectives: The objective of this study is to find out the incidence of ESRD on renal replacement therapy and their out come.
Materials and methods: It is a retrospective analysis (audit) of all ESRD patients who had received dialysis inside Nepal and had under gone transplantation from 1990 to 1999. The haemodialysis (HD) registry, HD patients file, intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) registry of Bir Hospital, Shree Birendra Hospital, Tribhuwan University Teaching hospital and National Kidney Center were reviewed. Acute renal failure and acute on chronic renal failure were excluded and the demographic profile, dialysis session, dialysis duration and outcome of all ESRD patients were computed. One patient was counted only once in spite of attending more than one center for dialysis. SPSS package was used for analysis.
Results: Total number of 1393 ESRD patients received renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the decade. Mean age of patients were 46.7 ± 16.7 with 70% of ESRD were between 20-60 years age with male: female ratio of 1.8:1. Initial mode of RRT was IPD in 58.2%, HD in 41.7% and pre-emptive transplantation in 0.1% patients. Records of 189 patients could not be found and out of remaining 1208 patients, 85.8% received dialysis for < 3 months, 6% received dialysis for more than a year and 9.5% had undergone kidney transplantation. The incidence of ESRD had increased gradually with 3.4 per million populations (pmp) in 1990 to 11.89 pmp in 1999 with an average annual incidence of 6 pmp and only 0.31% of expected ESRD patients received RRT.
Conclusion: The incidence of ESRD is increasing but majority discontinue or die within 3 months. Dialysis centers needs to be expanded to different parts of country and prospective studies have to be carried out to find out of cause of ESRD and to institute preventive measures.

Key words: End stage renal disease; Renal replacement therapy; Haemodialysis; Intermittent peritoneal dialysis; Incidence of end stage renal disease; Nepal.

DOI: 10.3126/kumj.v7i3.2742

Kathmandu University Medical Journal (2009) Vol.7, No.3 Issue 27, 302-305


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How to Cite

Hada, R., Khakurel, S., Agrawal, R., Kafle, R., Bajracharya, S., & Raut, K. (2010). Incidence of end stage renal disease on renal replacement therapy in Nepal. Kathmandu University Medical Journal, 7(3), 301–305.


