DMC Research Journal 2023-02-09T13:06:31+00:00 Lok Raj Bhat Open Journal Systems <p>The DMC Research Journal is published by the Research Centre of the Doti Multiple Campus, Silgadhi, Doti, Nepal. The focus and the scope of journal are grounded on the creative, critical and research orientated areas of studies. It publishes research articles based on teaching, learning, evaluation and society issues of various streams required in academic institutions.</p> Woman in Beauvoir's Concept: A Feminist Reading 2023-02-02T09:45:23+00:00 Damaru Chandra Bhatta <p>The purpose of this paper is to present the French existentialist philosopher Simon de Beauvoir's feminist viewpoint against traditional patriarchy, which is a social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line. It also tries to present her traditional analysis how woman has been unreasonably victimized by man in the society. Beauvoir shows with great erudition that man's dominance has been secured through the ages by an ideological power; legislators, priests, scientists, and philosophers have all promoted the idea of woman's subordination. Hence, Beauvoir concludes that feminist must break this type of patriarchal power to change man at the level of theory, but without entering the theoretical domain on man's terms; however man and woman should live together for a happy life by enjoying equal right and power.</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Perception towards Online Education among the Secondary Level Students during COVID-19 Pandemic 2023-02-03T05:55:14+00:00 Ajanta Singh U.D. Ranjitkar <p>Online education is a type of educational instruction that is delivered through internet to students using their home computers. Since 2019 the effect of information technology on human life is immense and its role in education too cannot be subsided. The spread of COVID-19 led the closure of all educational institutions and has initiated online learning.We all are in the battlefield of COVID-19 Pandemic and our schools have been closed, despite of this crisis situation, we are trying to continue our academic journey and are involved in online education.This study aims to find out the perception of students towards online education.</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Trends and Causes of Internal Migration: A Case Study of Ilam Municipality, Nepal 2023-02-03T09:28:56+00:00 Kamal Adhikari <p>This research work attempts to portray the increasing rate of migration in a particular area of Ilam Municipality. It focuses on the trends and causes of the internal migration in Ilam Municipality of Nepal from different parts of the country which is growing rapidly. It has faced so many challenges of overpopulation. It is considered as the civic duty to solve the existing problem of migration on time otherwise it results into a worsening condition. The appropriate ways for analyzing the causes of migration can be discussed in references with push and pull factors. The main push factor for migration is lack of employment opportunities, education, health and transportation facilities, low agricultural productivity, natural calamities, business failure, transfer of service, and land sold in the place of origin. Similarly, educational facilities, physical facilities, business opportunities, purchase of land, security, presence of relatives, and marriage are the main attractive factors for Internal Migration within Ilam municipality. The major consequences of Internal Migration appear as both in &nbsp;positive and negative aspects in the destination, origin as well. Some of the positive aspects of migration in the Ilam municipality have a good income from the agricultural product, an increase in business activities, sharing of culture, and feelings of cooperation. In terms of negative aspects of migration in the municipality are deforestation, over&nbsp; consumption of resources, pollution, fragmentation of land, and an increase in criminal or immoral activities.</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Role of Information Technology to Control Corruption on Local Government in Nepal 2023-02-03T09:51:22+00:00 Lalit Pant <p>Information Technology is very powerful tool to reduce corruption, increase the transparency &amp; accountability and develop the nation in today's world. This study describes the role of IT in local government for accountability, transparency &amp; corruption control.&nbsp; Improvement of delivery service mechanism, open government, administrative reform, law enforcement and social capital through information technology can provide accountability, efficiency, transparency to the public. This study is focused on local governments of Nepal. Corruption, lack of transparency, accountability &amp; efficiency are the main problem for development of local society in local governments. To reduce these types of problem IT can play vital role. The main aim of this study is to explore the current status of information technology and its use in local governments. The researcher has applied field survey, direct interview and observation method to collect primary data from employees, public and elected representative body of local governments for currents status and utilization of IT. The researcher has analyzed current status of IT and its utilization by their employees, public &amp; elected representative for different activities in local governments then concludes impacts of it on transparency, accountability &amp; control corruption in local governments.</p> <p>&nbsp;Overall proper implementation of Information Technology played vital role to increase the accountability, transparency and efficiency of work by delivering quick service and other activities in local governments and reduce the corruption &amp; develop the society of local governments.</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Urbanization Transition in Nepal A Case Study of Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality, Doti, Nepal 2023-02-03T09:59:42+00:00 Tilak Raj Panday <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 115%; margin: 12.0pt 0in .0001pt 0in;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 115%; color: black;">This paper deals with the urbanization transition in Nepal: A Case Study of Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality analyzing the social and economic status of the residents of Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality, especially in new adjoining areas. T<span style="background: white;">his study is based on primary data which are derived from field surveys through household surveys, field observations, and in-depth interviews. For the household survey, 45 households were taken from ward no. 9, Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality with the help of convenience non-probability sampling. </span>Dipayal Silgadhi municipality has rural characteristics. Most of the part is occupied by rural areas. Similarly, people do not feel like living in a municipal area in the new adjoining area. There is a lack of occupational diversification. Most people engage in primitive agriculture and another main livelihood strategy is foreign labor migration. There is also a lack of trade specialization and diversification which is the main criteria of urban development. This study is helpful to make plans and policies for the development of the municipality. The study concentrates on overviews of the municipality's existing condition and cannot include all aspects in-depth; therefore to fulfill the gap of this study; the researcher recommends that research should be&nbsp;done one by one in every sector in detail.</span></p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Impact Of Social Media, Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality, Doti, Nepal 2023-02-03T10:16:40+00:00 Bharat Bahadur Khadka <p>Research paper is entitled "Impact of Social Media on the Society, Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality, Doti Nepal. It aims to analyze positive and negative impacts of social media on society. it focuses on the ways of &nbsp;modernization and westernization impacts, positively or negatively in the Socio-Economic, and cultural aspects imposed by Social Media. It motivated them to do something good in their careers&nbsp;as software developers, learn pop culture and preserve their identity. Besides, most of the youth were killing their time by surfing the internet. They were busy on the wrong sites- pornography, rape, dacoit, kidnapping and on the other hand, some people misuse social media which has negative impact on society. For Instance; cybercrime, hacking personal information and security, stretch destroy reputation, sexual harassment /rape case, divorce, bullying, disinformation, misinformation and rise of fake news, imitation of foreign culture, addiction in school children and society youths local to global level; its negative impacts on society, economy, culture, religion, psychology, family life and so on.</p> <p>Youths from Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality Wards five and six were selected for the study with descriptive and exploratory research design.&nbsp; In total,&nbsp;220 youths were taken as samples determined by a purposive method. The framework of the study was based on symbolic interactionism. The data collection tools included Interview Schedule, focus group discussion (FGD), key informant interview (KII), observation and case study. It was oriented to find out the impact of social media on the society such as getting knowledge and information in a cheaper, more comfortable and faster way; it helped to be polite, collaborative and cooperative, creative, to pursue a career, links connectivity worldwide, help education and building community, develop social skill, always information and updates, advertising promotion, inspiration on all sectors, to run business and transfer skills and knowledge.&nbsp;</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 धावा कथामा नारीचेतना 2023-02-06T06:45:12+00:00 हाेमनाथ जाेशी <p>प्रस्तुत अनुसन्धानात्मक लेख नीलम कार्की निहारिकाको हवन कथासङ्ग्रह (२०६२) भित्र सङ्ग्रहित धावा कथा नारीचेतनाको विश्लेषणमा आधारित छ । यस लेखमा धावा कथालाई विश्लेष्य सामग्रीको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरी कथामा नारीवादी चेतना के कसरी प्रस्तुत भएको छ भन्ने मूल समस्यामा केन्द्रित भई प्रस्तुत कथालाई नारीवादी चेतनाका आधारमा विश्लेषण गर्नु यस लेखको प्रमुख उद्देश्य रहेको छ । यस लेखमा पितृसत्ता, सामाजिक विभेद र प्रतिरोधी चेतनाको ढाँचा प्रस्तुत गरी कथालाई पाठविश्लेषण विधिका आधारमा व्याख्या विश्लेषण गरी कथामा पितृसत्ताका कारण महिलामा हुने सामाजिक शोषण, शारीरिक तथा मानसिक दबाब र नियन्त्रणका साथै महिलाहरू आफ्नो अधिकार र पहिचानका लागि नारीविरोधी चेतनाका विरुद्धमा कसरी क्रियाशील हुन्छन् भन्ने कुरालाई निष्कर्षका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको यो लेख गुणात्मक पद्धतिमा आधारित रहेको छ ।</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 सुदूरपश्चिममा ट्रान्सजेंडरको अनुभव र अवस्था 2023-02-06T07:05:25+00:00 शान्ता हमाल <p>याे लेखले सुदुरपश्चिम प्रदेशमा ट्रान्सजेन्डर (पारलैङ्गिक) व्यक्ति हरू समाजमा आफ्नाे पहिचानका साथ अगाडी आउन सकेका छन्त भन्ने प्रश्ननको उत्तर खाेज्नका लागि, उनीहरुको जीवन भोगाई र अवस्था पत्ता लगाउने उद्देश्य राखेको छ । त्यसको लागि १० जना ट्रान्सजेन्डर व्यक्तीहरुसँग अनलाइन (जूम) र फाेनको माध्ममबाट असंरचित प्रश्नावलीकाे प्रयाेग गरी गहन अन्तर्वार्ता गरिएको थियो। ट्रान्सजेंडरको अनुभव र अवस्था बुझ्दा व्यक्ति विशेष फरक-फरक अवस्था र अनुभव पाइयो l याे अध्ययनको निम्न निष्कर्षहरु रहेका छन् कानुनले ट्रान्सजेंडरलाई समानताको हक प्रदान गरेता पनि प्रयोगमा<br />सहज, व्यवहार र सम्बन्धमा परिवर्तन पाइएन l समलिङ्गी विवाहलाई कानुनले मान्यता नदिए तापनि व्यवहारमा विवाह भएको पाइन्छ l अझैपनि प्रायजसो ट्रान्सजेंडरहरु आफुले चाहेको पहिचानका साथ समाजमा आउन नसकेको र केही मात्र भएपनि निलहिरा समाज द्वारा आफ्नो पहिचान निर्माण गरेको पाइन्छ l ट्रान्सजेंडरहरु विभिन्न क्षेत्रबाट विपरीत लिङ्गीकाे व्यवहार भएकै कारण बहिष्कृत हुनुपरेकोले उनीहरूको सामाजिक शैक्षिक र आर्थिक उन्नतिमा बाधा पुगेको देखियो l जसको कारण ट्रान्सजेंडरहरुसँग सम्बन्धित पर्याप्त ज्ञानका साथै ट्रान्सजेंडर अनुकूल वातावरण नहुनु र ट्रान्सजेंडरलाई समाजको एक भागको रूपमा लिई व्यवहार र सम्बन्ध कायम गर्न नसक्नुरहेको छ l ट्रान्सजेंडर मैत्री वातावरण बनाउनका लागि समाज र शैक्षिक प्रणालीमा ट्रान्सजेंडर सम्बन्धी पर्याप्त ज्ञान प्रदान गर्नुका साथै मिडिया प्रयोग गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ l उनीहरूलाई फरक नभएर समान व्यवहार गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ l साथै ट्रान्सजेंडरहरुलाई सशक्तीकरण गरी आत्मसम्मानको जीवन जिउने वातावरण बनाउन सकेमा ट्रान्सजेंडरहरुको जीवन गुणस्तरीय बनाउन सकिन्छ जुन कुरा देशको समृद्धिसँग जोडिन जान्छ l यस अध्ययनले नीति निर्माण र सुधार गर्नमा सहयोग पुर्याउँछ l</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 नेपाली भाषा शिक्षणमा शैक्षिक सामग्रीे प्रयोगको अध्ययन 2023-02-06T07:13:53+00:00 कल्पना कुमारी Kalpana Kumari जाेशी Joshi <p>यो लेख ‘नेपाली भाषा शिक्षणमा शैक्षिक सामग्रीे प्रयोगको अध्ययन’ मा केन्दित छ । यसको उद्देश्य डोटी जिल्लाका विद्यालयमा दैनिक प्रयोजनका शैक्षिक सामग्री प्रयोगको स्थिति पत्ता लगाउनु, नेपाली भाषा शिक्षणमा विद्यागत शैक्षिक सामग्री प्रयोगको स्थिति पहिचान गर्नु र नेपाली भाषा शिक्षणमा शैक्षिक सामग्री प्रयोगका समस्या र समाधानका उपायबारे बिश्लेषण गर्नु रहेको छ । यसका लागि संभावनाविहीन अन्तरगतको उद्देश्यमुलक र सुविधामुलक विधिको प्रयोग गरी डोटी जिल्लाका ५ ओटा सरकारी र ५ओटा संस्थागत विद्यालयहरु छनोेट गरी, विद्यालयमा नेपाली भाषा शिक्षण गर्ने १० जना शिक्षकहरू र १० जना प्रधानाध्यापकहरु र प्रति विद्यालयबाट दश दश जना बिद्यार्थीहरुलाई अन्तवार्ता र छलफलमा समावेश गरिएको थियो । साथै कक्षा अवलोकन पनि गरिएको थियो । विद्यालयहरूमा दैनिक प्रयोगका शैक्षिक सामग्रीको प्रयोग प्रयाप्त गरेको छ भने विद्यालयमा भएका नेपाली भाषा शिक्षणका महत्वपूर्ण शैक्षिक सामग्री गोजीतालिका र फलाटिन पाटीको उपयोग न्यून गरिएको छ । स्थलगत अध्ययनको क्रममा केही विद्यालयमा शैक्षिक सामग्रीका रूपमा शब्दपत्ती, तस्वीर र वाक्यपत्ती प्रयोग गरिए पनि उक्त सामग्री बीचका र पछिल्ला बेन्चका विद्यार्थीहरूले पढ्न र बुझ्न सक्ने उपयुक्त आकारमा पाइएन । केही विद्यालयहरू आर्थिक समस्याको कारण शैक्षिक सामग्रीहरूको प्रबन्ध गर्न असमर्थ छन भने आर्थिक अवस्था राम्रो भएका विद्यालयहरू पनि इच्छा शक्तिको अभावको कारण शैक्षिक सामग्रीहरूको प्रबन्ध गर्न पछि परेका देखिन्छ । भाषा शिक्षणमा श्रव्यदृश्य सामग्री प्रयोग गरेर शिक्षण गर्दा उपयोगी हुन्छ तर यसतर्पm विद्यालयका प्रधानाध्यापक एवं भाषा शिक्षकहरूको ध्यान गएको छैन । शिक्षकहरू तालिम प्राप्त भएपनि तालिममा प्राप्त गरेको सैद्धान्तिक ज्ञान र व्यावहारिक सीपको प्रयोग कक्षा कोठामा गर्न उनीहरू पूर्ण रूपमा सफल नदेखिएको हुँदा अझै सामग्री सङ्कलन निर्माण र प्रयोग सम्बन्धमा उनीहरूलाई प्रोत्साहित गर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ ।</p> 2023-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023