Interdisciplinary Issues in Education 2023-09-26T10:09:20+00:00 Prof. Lekhnath Sharma, PhD Open Journal Systems <p>Interdisciplinary Issues in Education is published by the Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC), Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed research journal that compromises research and research-based articles and research reports in education sciences in different contexts.</p> Pedagogical Accountability of Teachers in Community Schools of Nepal: Lessons from a Case Study 2023-09-25T09:49:04+00:00 Nathu Ram Chaudhary Kabi Adhikari Thapaliya Sanita Mastran Poonam Pant <p>The teacher's instructional guideline provided by the National Curriculum Framework of Nepal for pedagogical accountability is insufficient to enhance the student's classroom performance. The main objective of this study is to assess science teachers' efficiency in enhancing students' learning with a focus on the basic pedagogical accountability in community schools of Tikapur Municipality. A qualitative study among two groups of stakeholders:, science teachers and principals of three different institutions, was conducted by including a three-phase conceptual model: the pre-active phase, the interactive phase, and the post-active phase. Based on the interpretive philosophical research paradigm, information was gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews and observation of science classroom activities. The operationalization of accountability assessment was further done by observing the methods of classroom teaching, goal management, and choice of teaching methodology by the teachers, and the use of different techniques by the teachers to motivate students and create an effective teaching environment. We found that intervention in all three phases of science teaching brought positive and effective changes among science teachers when they were committed to students and adopted innovative teaching with clear planning. The study also showed that teachers' accountability can be measured through teacher skills, techniques, and strategies reflecting innovation and inquisitiveness in and out of the classroom. Overall, especially in science subjects, practical sessions were found highly impactful on students’ learning and understanding of basic knowledge of science particularly when they were associated with daily activities and were taught with necessary scaffolding.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC) Exploring Effectiveness of ACE Cycle of Instruction on Teaching area and Volume of Cylinder 2023-09-25T10:00:18+00:00 Deb Bahadur Chhetri <p>This article aimed to explore the effectiveness of the application of activities, classroom discussion and exercise (ACE) cycle in mathematics instruction and investigate students' perceptions of the ACE cycle of teaching. The study focused on the area and volume of cylinders and was conducted among 20 students in grade nine selected for the intervention. The study adopted the APOS (Action, Process, and Object Schema) theory as the guiding theory and the ACE teaching cycle for intervention and implemented it over only one week. The study's results revealed that the well-planned three phases of the ACE cycle of instruction were effective in promoting students' activeness, developing their understanding of the area and volume of the cylinder, enhancing their motivation and improving their achievement.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC) पाठ्यक्रम निर्दिष्ट भाषिक सिप सन्तुलनका दृष्टिले कक्षा नौ को ‘नेपाली’ मा प्रयुक्त नमुना अभ्यास 2023-09-26T06:47:49+00:00 दिनेश Dinesh घिमिरे Ghimire <p>प्रस्तुत लेख भाषिक सिप सन्तुलनका दृष्टिले भाषा पाठ्यपुस्तकको विश्लेषणमा केन्द्रित छ । यसमा माध्यमिक शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम (२०७७) अनुरूपताका दृष्टिले कक्षा ९ को नेपाली भाषा पाठ्यपुस्तकका अभ्यासात्मक प्रश्नहरूलाई गुणात्मक अध्ययन ढाँचाअन्तर्गत विषयवस्तु विश्लेषण विधि अवलम्बन गरी सम्पन्न गरिएको छ । यस अध्ययनमा नमुना अभ्यासको प्रस्तुतिमा भाषिक सिपगत एकीकृतताको ख्याल गरिएको,भाषिक सिपगत आधारमा क्रमशः पढाइ, लेखाइ, बोलाइ र सुनाइ सिपका प्रश्नमा जोड दिइएको, पाठ्यक्रम अनुरूपताका आधारमा पर्याप्त र उपयुक्त रहेको तर सिकाइ तहका आधारमा निम्न अनुक्रम चिन्तन तहका ७४ प्रतिशत र उच्च अनुक्रम चिन्तन तहका २६ प्रतिशत मात्र प्रश्नहरू रहनुबाट सन्तुलित प्रयोग नभएको निष्कर्षमा पुगिएको छ । पाठ्यपुस्तकको नमुना अभ्यासमा पाठ्यक्रममा उल्लेख भए झैं सिपगत आधारमा प्रश्नहरूलाई अलग अलग राख्दा अनि सिकाइ तहगत सन्तुलित प्रयोगमा ध्यान दिँदा अझ प्रभावकारी हुने देखिन्छ ।</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Principals' Ethical Leadership Perspectives: A Narrative Inquiry 2023-09-25T10:10:45+00:00 Bipin Sherchand Prateet Baskota Anjali Limbu Lawati <p>Everyone's top priority is ethics because it is the foundation of a prosperous society. The educational system is responsible for cultivating, fostering, and strengthening ethical sensibilities in society. Respected as innovators, explorers, and transformers of ethical awareness are educators and principals. Unfortunately, they lack the maturity and confusion necessary to serve as examples. They receive criticism as a result of their various unethical actions. This paper presents stories of school principals from their leadership experiences while drawing on ethical school leadership. The primary goal of this paper is to examine three-dimensional lived experiences: care ethics, justice ethics, and critiques of ethical leadership. We mainly focused on the principals' professional backgrounds, performances, and epistemological perspectives regarding ethical leadership. In-depth interviews from protracted interviews were used to create narratives as part of interpretivist narrative inquiry—four principals specifically chosen from Kathmandu Valley institutional schools. The interpretations were verified by pertinent literature. This study examined how ethical leadership promotes fairness in society and schools by valuing individuals. Crossing the structural line to include and empower the followers also takes courage. This research clarified the nature of the school leadership phenomenon so that concerned authorities could enhance matters. Additionally, it might direct readers toward moral principles that could serve as a fundamental tenet.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC) The Sovereign State and Fundamental Rights Interface 2023-09-25T10:20:03+00:00 Dilli Raj Gautam <p>This article investigates the interface between the sovereign state and fundamental rights with the views of The Social Contract Theory. concept of the sovereign state emerged in response to specific social and economic circumstances of the time. The idea of fundamental rights i s a comparatively new phenomenon in the history of political thinking, and today's constitutions adopt a bill of rights that outlines the legal rights of individuals, which have been prevailing within society for a long time. The Social Contract Theory is a political and philosophical foundation for the modern sovereign state, encompassing major elements of natural rights: life, liberty, and property. This study critically evaluates the topic, applying a theory-driven method and arguing that political power originates from the people, not from the grace of God. Finally, the study provides recommendations on how independent and democratic nations can put these principles into practice.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC) Law Making for Women Empowerment in Gandaki Province, Nepal 2023-09-25T10:26:13+00:00 Girdhari Dahal <p>The main objective of this study was to evaluate the status of women's empowerment through lawmaking in Nepal's Gandaki Province. Women face oppression and battle for empowerment. According to Nepal's new constitution, women now enjoy legal protections and rights. Similarly, major political parties such as Nepali Congress, Nepal Communist Party UML, and Nepal Communist Party Maoist, which have led the Nepal government from time to time now have the chance to hold positions of leadership, including those of chief justice of the supreme court of Nepal, speaker of the House of Representatives, and President of the federal democratic republic of Nepal. Even though Nepal's Dawarika Devi Thakurati was the first minister in 1959. The Constitution of Nepal (2015) has made the provision of 33% inclusion of women in all the sectors of government including the federal, the provincial, and the municipal. Women are participants at various levels such as legislature, executive, professors of universities, civil servants, Nepal police, Nepal Army, and teacher. Women are currently involved in planning, implementing, and formulating policies. However, they have to overcome many obstacles in order to pursue their opportunities. Nepal is a developing nation that has made an effort to empower women and has given them good opportunities for the country's overall development. In Nepal, women have equal access to opportunities in the social, economic, political, and cultural sectors as well as Nepal's economic development. The present study reveals that the Gandaki province's legislators have played a crucial role in the overall development of this province, and just like the women legislators in the other seven provinces, they empower themselves and institutionalize women's rights by upholding democratic values and norms.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC) Reimaging Pedagogies and Building Contemporary Knowledge for the 21st Century Education Landscape 2023-09-25T09:43:18+00:00 Lekhnath Sharma <p>No Abstract available.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC)