Marsyangdi Journal 2022-09-02T08:34:26+00:00 Mr. Binod Neupane Open Journal Systems <p>Marsyangdi Journal is a peer-reviewed research journal published by the Research Management Cell (RMC) of Maryangdi Multiple Campus, Besishahar, Lamjung, Nepal. The journal aims to explore various issues related to language teaching, education, social science and natural science through academic writing.</p> Editorial Vol.3(1) 2022-09-01T09:27:08+00:00 Binod Neupane <p>Not available.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 सुखसत्ता निबन्धको सङ्कथन विश्लेषण {Syntax Analysis of Sukhasatta Essay} 2022-09-01T03:54:07+00:00 Buddha Raj Khaniya <p>अभिव्यक्तिको सबैभन्दा माथिल्लो एकाइ सङ्कथनलाई यस लेखको अध्ययनीय विषयका रूपमा लिइएको छ । यस लेखको मुख्य उद्देश्य सुखसत्ता निबन्धको सङ्कथन विश्लेषण गर्नु रहेको छ । यो अध्ययन गुणात्मक अनुसन्धानको पुस्तकालयीय अध्ययनमा आधारित छ । यसमा सम्बद्धकका आधारमा मात्र सुखसत्ता निबन्धको सङ्कथन विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । यहाँ सार्वनामिक, स्थानिक, कालिक, संयोजन, पुनरावृत्ति र लोपका आधारमा व्याकरणिक सम्बद्धक र पर्यायवाची, विपरीतार्थी, समावेशी र सन्निधानका आधारमा कोशीय सम्बद्धकहरूको सङ्कथन विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । यस अनुसार सुखसत्ता निबन्धमा त्रिचालिस ओटा सार्वनामिक सम्बद्धक, अठार ओटा स्थानिक सम्बद्धक, तेर ओटा कालिक सम्बद्धक, पन्ध्र ओटा संयोजक प्रयोग भएको पाइन्छ भने पैँतिस ओटा भाषिक आइटम तिन पटकदेखि छब्बिस पटकसम्म पुनरावृत्ति र आठ ओटा भाषिक अंश विभिन्न सन्दर्भमा लोप भएको पाइन्छ । त्यसैगरी सो निबन्धमा दश जोडी पर्यायवाची, पाँच जोडी विपरीतार्थी, पाँच जोडी समावेशी समावेश्य र आठ जोडी सन्निधान कोशीय सम्बद्धकहरू प्रयोग भएको पाइन्छ । यस किसिमले सुखसत्ता निबन्धमा प्रयोग भएका व्याकरणिक सम्बद्धकहरूले व्यक्त विचारलाई कतै विस्तार गर्न, कतै स्पष्टीकरण दिन, त कतै विकल्प दर्साउन, विपरीत स्थिति देखाउन, तुलना गर्न, कार्य कारण दर्साउन लगायत विभिन्न सम्बन्ध जनाउन मद्दत गरेका छन् । त्यस्तै कोशीय सम्बद्धकले सो निबन्धमा व्यक्त विषयवस्तुलाई सिलसिलाबद्ध गर्न सहयोग गरेका छन् । यसरी ‘सुखसत्ता’ मा प्रयोग भएका विभिन्न किसिमका सम्बद्धकहरूले निबन्धलाई सरल, सरस र सम्प्रेषणीय बनाउन मद्दत गरेका छन् ।</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus सक्षमता र एकीकृतताका दृष्टिले कक्षा एकको नेपाली भाषा पाठ्यक्रम (२०७६) को विश्लेषण {An Analysis of Class I Nepali Language Curriculum (2076) in terms of Competency and Integration} 2022-09-01T05:12:20+00:00 Dinesh Ghimire <p>प्रस्तुत लेख कक्षा एकको वर्तमान नेपाली भाषा पाठ्यव्रmमलाई थिम (विषय क्षेत्र) र भाषिक सिपगत एकीकृतता (integration) तथा सिपपगत सक्षमता (competency) का दृष्टिबाट अध्ययन गर्ने उद्देश्यले तयार पारिएको हो । यो लेख अनुसन्धानको वर्णनात्मक तरिका र पुस्तकालयीय अध्ययनमा आधारित रहेको छ । सिपगत र विषयगत एकीकृतताको सिद्धान्तमा आधारित रहेर सिपगत सक्षमतामा केन्द्रित रहेको यो पाठ्यव्रmममा अन्य देशमा प्रयोगमा आइसकेका दृष्टिकोणलाई हाम्रा परिप्रेक्ष्यमा पनि प्रयोग हुन सक्ने अपेक्षा राखी प्रचलित पाठ्यक्रमलाई प्रतिस्थापन गर्ने गरी प्रस्तुत गरिएको देखिन्छ । थिमगत र भाषिक सिपगत एकीकृतताको दृष्टिले यो पाठ्यक्रम उदाहरणीय बनेको देखिन्छ । शैक्षिक सत्र २०७६-०७७ बाट लागु गरिएको यस पाठ्यक्रमको कार्यान्वयनमा भाषिक सिपका व्यावहारिक उपयोगमा चाहिँ कठिनाइ आइपर्न सक्ने सम्भावना विद्यमान देखिन्छ । पाठ्यक्रममा उल्लेख भएका तहगत सिकाइ सक्षमता, कक्षागत सिकाइ उपलब्धि, विषय वस्तुको क्षेत्र र क्रम आदिका बिचको तालमेलमा अझ परिमार्जनको आवश्यकता महसुस हुन्छ । पाठ्यक्रममा प्रयोग भएको शब्द भण्डारका कारण यसको भाषा तह अनुरूप बन्न सकेको देखिँदैन । शिक्षण सहजीकरण प्रक्रिया, मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया आदिका दृष्टिले भने यो पाठ्यक्रम सबल रहेको निष्कर्षमा पुगिएको छ ।</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus युद्ध कथामा जाति, क्षण र पर्यावरण {Race, moment and environment in war fiction} 2022-09-01T04:51:13+00:00 Bishnu Neupane <p>प्रस्तुत आलेख समाजशास्त्रीय मान्यताका आधारमा माया ठकुरीको युद्ध कथाभित्र रहेका जाति, क्षण र पर्यावरणको विश्लेषणमा केन्द्रित छ । यसका लागि प्रस्तुत कथामा रहेको सामाजिक पर्यावरण तथा आख्यान (कथानक, पात्र, परिवेश) र समाजको सम्बन्धलाई केलाइएको छ । समाजशास्त्री हिप्पोलाइट एडल्फ तेन ( टेन) को समाजशास्त्रीय मान्यताअन्तर्गत प्रजाति, क्षण र पर्यावरणलाई यस कथाको विश्लेषणको आधार बनाइएको छ । सामग्री सब्कलनका क्रममा माया ठकुरीको आमा ! जानुहोस् (२०६४) कथासब्ग्रहमा सब्गृहीत युद्ध कथालाई प्राथमिक स्रोतका रूपमा र कथाहरूबारे गरिएका समीक्षा, समालोचना र शोधप्रतिवेदनलाई द्वितीय स्रोतका रूपमा लिएर गुणात्मक विधिबाट विषयको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । युद्ध कथामा प्रस्तुत गरिएको जातिगत विविधताको अवस्थाका बारेमा केलाउने काम जाति शीर्षक अन्तर्गत गरिएको छ । यस कथामा प्रस्तुत भएका समकालीन नेपाली समाजको मूल्य, मान्यता, संस्कार, संस्कृति लगायत राजनीतिक घटनालाई क्षण शीर्षकभित्र राखेर अध्ययन विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । त्यसैगरी पर्यावरण अन्तर्गत समाजको भौतिक तथा प्राकृतिक पर्यावरणका साथै सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक तथा राजनीतिक पक्ष पनि समेटिएको छ । भिन्न सामाजिक, भौगोलिक परिवेशबाट लिइएका पात्रहरूले शिक्षा र चेतनाको आलोकबाट ओझेल परेर गरिबी, शोषण, अन्याय एवम्अन्धविश्वासको अँध्यारो पर्दाभित्र अत्यन्त दुःखद र कष्टपूर्ण जीवन जिउन बाध्य भएको अवस्थालाई कथाले अभिव्यञ्जित गरेको छ । तत्कालीन आर्थिक, सामाजिक यथार्थताको झलक प्रस्तुत गर्न सफल यस कथाको समाजशास्त्रीय कोणबाट अध्ययन विश्लेषण गर्नु यस आलेखको मूल अभीष्ट रहेको छ । प्रस्तुत कथामा हिपोलाइट तेनले अघि सारेको समाजशास्त्रीय मान्यता भित्रका जाति, क्षण र पर्यावरणको सशक्त प्रयोग भएकाले समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययनका दृष्टिले प्रस्तुत कथा अत्यन्त उपयोगी रहेको छ ।</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Performance Appraisal, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Nepalese Commercial Banks 2022-09-01T05:38:22+00:00 Narayan Prasad Aryal Janga Bahadur Hamal Nirjana Bhatta <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of performance appraisal and job satisfaction on employee organizational commitment in Nepalese commercial banks. The primary data has been used to assess the opinions of the respondents through structured questionnaires constituting Likert items. The survey is based on 172 respondents, which represents 78 percent response of the total efforts made to collect samples from 16 commercial banks of Nepal. Descriptive and causal research designs have been employed in this study. The Pearson correlation coefficient has been used to analyze the relationship whereas the multiple linear regression models have been used for examining the significance and impacts of performance appraisal and job satisfaction on employee organizational commitment in the commercial banks of Nepal. The result reveals that performance appraisal and job satisfaction are positively related to employee organizational commitment. The study, therefore, concludes that job satisfaction and performance appraisal are the important factors affecting employees' organizational commitment. As this study is confined to commercial banks only, future studies can consider other banking institutions, and among employees‟ profile and human resource management factors as well.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Thado Bhaka: A Source of Social Intercourse 2022-09-01T05:57:07+00:00 Yam Bahadur Dura Binod Neupane <p>Thado bhaka is one of the popular genres of folk songs in the Gandaki region. The territory of the Gandaki region is extended from Budhigandaki in the east to Kaligandaki in the west. Thado bhaka is the diminishing musical genre. The habitual and experienced performers of thado bhaka are dying out. These days a handful of people from the old and new generations are capable of performing it. This article aims at introducing thado bhaka connecting it to its history, nature, and style. Observation, interview and secondary sources were used to collect information for this study. It is found that thado bhaka has a typical tune, language, style and meaning and become an identity of the Dura people of the Gandaki region. However, the study has pointed out some influences on its originality because of the growing wave of modernisation, especially after the development of electronic instruments.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus English Language Education in Nepal: Need or Hegemony? 2022-09-01T06:07:30+00:00 Govinda Prasad Khanal <p>English language teaching (ELT) has become much pervasive in Nepal in the recent decades since its entry in the mid nineteenth century. Recently, the trend of converting government aided community schools into English medium has become a common phenomenon throughout Nepal. This paper intends to explore the hegemonial nature of English language education in Nepal, which has pressurised several local languages including Nepali, the official language of Nepal. I have reviewed some documents to establish how expansion of English has pressurised the growth of indigenous languages including Nepali, with the possibility of the loss of indigenous properties including languages, cultures and values. It pictures out the possibility of hybridity in language and culture in the new generations of youths and children if undue priority to ELT continues in the academia.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus EMI as a Form of Cultural Hegemony 2022-09-01T06:23:28+00:00 Babita Parajuli <p>This paper aims to provide critical analysis of the relevant literature, particularly focusing on how English as a Medium of Instruction has promoted cultural hegemony in the context of developing countries. The descriptive summary from the documentary analysis of recent literature helps to develop the argument on different themes. This paper reports that the current trend of adopting English as the medium of instruction is one of the forms of cultural hegemony as the government endorses EMI policy in the national curriculum focusing to develop English competence as the determiner of quality education, index of socioeconomic status and the foundation of students‟ career. Moreover, it indicates that EMI has served the elites to channelize their power and hegemony resulting the wider educational gaps, socio-economic inequality, marginalisation of the local languages, confusion in educational language policies, linguistic and cultural identity crisis and implementational challenges in theory and practice levels. It is significant to understand the practice and outcomes of EMI in the different educational settings in many multicultural countries including Nepal. The paper suggests developing critical discourses among the stakeholders, policymakers, educators and parents to create the appropriate model of multilingual pedagogy to prevent the English hegemony.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Using English as a Medium of Instruction in EFL Context in Higher Education 2022-09-01T06:30:48+00:00 Betendra Kumar Dahal Yadu Prasad Gyawali <p>This paper attempts to find out the use of English as a Medium of instruction (EMI) in higher level in English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. For the study, weselected 16 teachers and 80 students teaching and studying in Bachelor level in Mid-West University and TU affiliated colleges from the Surkhet valley using simple random sampling technique. Then, we distributed the questionnaire to the participants, observed their classes, and took interviews to collect the required information. From the critical analysis and interpretation of the information, we conclude that all the teachers and most of the students in higher level preferred EMI. Similarly, EMI in English subjects forced to implement EMI in other subjects in EFL situation, too. The result showed that EMI is being implemented but majority of the students in higher level have been facing various problems and challenges; specifically, most of the students were interested in learning English through mother tongue though they want to be enclosed with the EMI. This study concludes with suggestion to develop positive attitude towards EMI from practice to policy level with sufficient teaching learning aids, trainings and essential requirements in higher education in EFL context</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Integration of Information and Communication Technology in Education: The Opportunities and Challenges 2022-09-01T06:45:29+00:00 Ganesh Kumar Kandel <p>This paper examines the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in education with its challenges and opportunities. Particularly, it aims to explore how the integration of information and communication technology and tools in education have created the opportunities and challenges to teachers, students, and even to educational institutions. I reviewed books, journals and research articles to examine the integration of ICT in education, the opportunities and challenges of implementing ICT in education and some ways to mitigate these challenges. From the review of various sources, I found the growing use of ICT in education sector creating both opportunities as well as challenges. The study revealed that the integration of ICT in education has been prioritised by many countries in the world. This study also showed the necessity of integrating ICT in education system to replace the traditional pedagogy and offer relevant knowledge and skills to both students and teacher to better survive in contemporary information society. This study suggests to redesign the educational infrastructure, teacher training, curriculum structures and materials, classroom practices and modes of assessment at all levels to integrate and implement ICT in education system effectively.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Rebuilding Identities amidst the Cultural Trauma in “Pali” 2022-09-01T06:54:11+00:00 Tek Bahadur Chhetry <p>The Indo-Pak partition of 1947 has not only invaded the physical space by making two independent nations - secular India and Islamic Pakistan - creating a demarcation between Hindus and Muslims but also intruded upon their psychological space tearing and ripping off their mindsets with the clear division of cultural identities between the two. This paper examines critically how the aesthetics of art employed in the story “Pali” does full justice in distributing the equal burden of trauma on both the parties- Hindus and Muslims-to arouse a special affect in the minds of readers in the post-partition of 1947. Such affect is quintessential and very meaningful while reshaping and rebuilding the identities in the community to reconcile with peace and harmony. It also examines how the shadow of an individual trauma falls on communal families and then on the society caused by the handful of bigshots-Maulvi and Chaudhri for their identity politics. The story spins around the little boy, who was lost in Pakistan during the partition riots, got separated from the Hindu family, lived with the childless Muslim couple, and was restored to the Hindu family eventually. It portrays the sufferings of both the child-Pali Yashpal and his parents due to communal superiority and religious fanaticism. “Pali” by Bhisam Sahni can be analyzed in the light of trauma art - the trauma of the partition, traumatic experience of religious conversion, identity politics, morality, and ethical concern.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Practices of Inclusive Education in Nepal 2022-09-01T07:07:19+00:00 Bhakta Bahadur Shahi <p>Inclusive education is an approach, process, perspective and universal principle of mainstreaming the people to address the diverse needs and interests of students through a responsive, respectful and supportive learning environment. Students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and with different learning abilities can learn together by participating in their educational settings. This study aims to identify the indicators of inclusive education that can be helpful for teachers to make their teaching effective. After being familiar with the national and international practices of inclusive education, teachers can broaden their knowledge and will incorporate inclusive attitudes into their content delivery practices. Despite the high public interest in technical and vocational education (TVE), few of them have access and the opportunity to enroll in the TVE stream. Considering this problem, this study was conducted in a natural setting through field visits, interviews with parents, students, SMC chairpersons and political leaders in the sampled district. The study found the various gaps in inclusive practices such as promoting diversity, social justice, cooperative learning and collaboration in general and TVE schools in Nepal. Using Herzberg motivational-Hygiene theory as a theoretical lens to investigate the practice of inclusiveness in TVE schools, I found some demotivating factors such as fragile TVE policy and job insecurity of teachers to demotivate teachers and students toward technical and vocational educations in western Nepal.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Making Dalit Friendly Schools in Nepal: An Ethnographic Study 2022-09-01T07:14:27+00:00 Bishow Mani Subedi <p>Discrimination against Dalit is a socially structured, legally aligned, historically perpetuated, culturally institutionalized, and religiously distinguished phenomenon. In the context of this research, I felt that the inclusion of Dalits in mainstream education needs social, historical, legal, cultural, political, and religious interventions to emancipate them from the chain of ignorance. The strategy of inquiry was qualitative and ontologically it was based on multiple realities. Thus, I used an ethnographic research design using unstructured interviews and participatory observation. School teachers, head-teacher, Dalit students, parents, SMC members, and community people were selected purposely to collect the data for the fulfilment of the objectives. The data were analyzed and interpreted with the lens of Cultural difference theory and Caste hierarchy theory to generate meanings. I also used my reflexivity to be aligned with the research and experiences obtained in the field study.</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Influence of Casteism in Modern Nepal: A Sociological Perspective 2022-09-01T07:23:17+00:00 Ram GC <p>Casteism is a hierarchical phenomenon where prejudice occurs on the basis of caste superiority. It occurs disparity and injustice among human beings. So, the New Civil Code declared the practice of untouchability illegal. But the practice of caste discrimination is still existed in the various spheres of life in Hindu society. In this article, I have tried to present the structure of the caste system as it is manifested in the context of Nepal and discussed the pattern of social discrimination faced by the people. The objective of this paper is to analyze these practices as they occur in the domestic domain and community life. Casteism is still practiced especially in the rural communities of Nepal despite the law declaring it illegal in the New Civil Code in 1963. More specifically, this paper is intent on deepening an understanding of the factors of casteism so people of touchable castes perceive that they or their objects become polluted if touched by a member of Dalit. Given this context, this article also attempts to highlight the role played by society in shaping the contents and structure of caste-based relations</p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Performance in Nepalese Commercial Banks 2022-09-01T07:32:29+00:00 Pradeep KC <p>The debate over the topics related to emotional intelligence (EI) and organisational performance has constantly been in discussion in different cultures and in different parts of the world. EI is an essential factor responsible for determining success in life and psychological well-being which plays an important role in better organisational performance. This article, therefore, has assessed the status of EI and organisational performance in Nepalese Commercial Banks and measured the impact of demographic factors on EI. It follows deductive research approach in which descriptive as well as analytical research design has been employed. The sampling units for the study consisted of 9 out of total 27 Nepalese commercial banks, and 67 respondents via convenience sampling with a structured questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha was calculated to confirm its reliability, which resulted in a score of 0.778. SPSS software package was used to manage and interpret data. The results of the study indicate that both emotional intelligence and organisational performance are present in the commercial banking sector. Analysis revealed that an employee with high emotional intelligence has a high organisational performance in comparison to a less emotionally intelligent person. The impact of matured employees is high on EI, here EI of a male is higher than female whereas the EI of married people is higher than unmarried. The results have implications for recruiting the employees. So, based on the results, it is recommended that an organisation must consider the emotional intelligence of the employees and emotional intelligence can be increased in the banking sector through different training and development programs.<br /><br /></p> 2022-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Research Management Cell (RMC), Marsyangdi Multiple Campus