PRAGYAN A Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal <p>PRAGYAN A Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal provides an intellectual and academic forum for researchers from multiple disciplinary fields of humanities, social sciences, management, education, media and communication, law, and sciences to share their innovative and thought-provoking ideas on the most challenging and debatable issues of the twenty first century.</p> en-US (Asso. Prof. Lok Nath Dulal) (Sioux Cumming) Tue, 09 Jan 2024 09:49:26 +0000 OJS 60 मेचे जातिको परिचयात्मक अध्ययन {An Introductory Study of the Meche Caste} <p>नेपालमा बसोवास गर्ने अल्पसङ्ख्यक लोपोन्मुख समुदायअन्तर्गत पर्ने आदिवासी जनजातिका रूपमा मेचे जातिलाई लिइन्छ । मेचे जातिको बसोवास विशेषतः प्रदेश नं १ को झापा जिल्लाका जलथल, भद्रपुर, लखनपुर अनारमुनी, ज्यामिरगढी, बाहुनडाँगी, शनिश्चरे, चकचकी, महेशपुर बनियानीजस्ता विभिन्न गाउँवस्तीहरूमा पाइन्छ । नेपाल बाहिर भारतको आसाम, पश्चिम बंगाल, सिक्किम तथा भुटानका केही क्षेत्रहरूमा पनि यिनीहरू बसोवास गर्दछन् । यिनीहरूका मौलिक सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक विशेषता यो आदिवासी जनजातिलाई चिनाउने प्रमुख आधार हुन् । यो लेख मेचे जातिको परिचयात्मक अध्ययनसँग सम्बन्धित छ । विश्लेषणात्मक र विवरणात्मक ढाँचामा आधारित छ । यस लेखमा सङ्ख्यात्मक भन्दा गुणात्मक तथ्याङ्ग प्रयोग गरिएका छन् । प्राथमिक तथा द्वितीयक दुवै प्रकारका तथ्याङ्ग एवम् सूचनाको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । प्राथमिक तथ्याङ्ग मूलतः झापा जिल्लाको धाइजन, मेचीनगर, बाहुनडाँगी, इटाभट्टा, अनारमनीजस्ता गाउँवस्तीमा बसोवासगर्ने मेचे समुदायबाट सङ्गलन गरिएको हो ।</p> इन्द्रकला Indrakala भण्डारी Bhandari Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 जिरी नगरपालिकाको पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धनमा स्थानीय राजनीतिक नेतृत्व र निकायको भूमिका {Local in tourism promotion of Jiri municipality Role of Political Leadership and Institutions} <p>वर्तमान समयमा पर्यटन प्रबद्र्धन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध र आर्थिक विकासका लागि संसारले महसुस गरेको सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण आवश्यकता हो । संसारका जुनसुकै मुलुकमा पनि पर्यटनलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय सम्बन्धको विकास र विदेशी मुद्रा आर्जन गर्ने महत्वपूर्ण उद्योग एवम् व्यवसायका रूपमा लिन थालिएको छ । यसै वास्तविकतालाई मध्यनजर गरी नेपालमा पनि वैदेशिक मुद्रा आर्जन गर्ने एकमात्र बलियो विकल्पका रूपमा पर्यटनलाई उद्योग व्यवसायका दृष्टिले हेर्ने गरिएको छ । वास्तवमा नेपालको सन्दर्भमा पर्यटन त्यो उद्योग हो जो पर्यटकहरूको नेपाल आगमनको संङ्ख्यामा निर्भर रहन्छ । नेपालका विभिन्न पर्यटकीय गन्तब्यहरुमध्ये दोलखा जिल्लाको जिरी गाविस प्राकृतिक एवम् सांस्कृतिक दुवै दृष्टिकोणले निक्कै महत्वपूर्ण मानिन्छ । यो क्षेत्रको जति सम्भावना छ त्यसको पूर्णरुपमा सदुपयोग भने हुन सकेको छैन । यस सन्दर्भमा स्थानीय राजनीतिक दल, नेतृत्व र निकायले के कस्तो भूमिका निर्वाह गर्नु पर्ने हो भन्ने विषयको विश्लेषणका लागि जिरी नगरपालिकाको पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धनमा स्थानीय राजनीतिक नेतृत्व र निकायको भूमिका शीर्षकको यो लेख तयार पारिएको हो ।</p> गोविन्द प्रसाद Govinda Prasad गुरागाई Guragain Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 अष्ट्रेलियामा बसोवास गर्ने गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघको भूमिका {The role of non-resident Nepalese associations in Australia} <p>मानब विकासको इतिहास भन्नु नै बसाइ सराइको इतिहास हो । बसाइ सराइ भनेको आफ्नो थातथलो छोडेर नया स्थानमा जानु हो । बसाइ सराइका कारण आर्थिक, सामाजिक र राजनैतिक कारणहरु हुन्छन । सन् १९९० पछि नवउदारबाद र भुमण्डलीकरणले गर्दा बसाइ सराइको विगतको भन्दा फरक चरित्र र आयामहरु देखा परेका छन । विगतमा मूलथलो छोडेपछि फर्केर आउने वा सम्र्पकमा रहने चलन ज्यादै कम थियो । हालको वैदेशिक बसाई सराइले कसरी आफ्नो मूलथलो र कर्मथलो जोड्छ भन्ने वारेमा समाजशास्त्रीय बुझाइ कम छ । नेपालको इतिहास हेर्ने हो भने आर्थिक अथवा धार्मिक कार्यको लागि आÇनो देश छोडेर विदेश जाने क्रम ज्यादै पुरानो रहेको पाइन्छ । आजको जस्तो अमेरिका, अष्ट्रेलिया, बेलायत, जापान, कोरिया जाने चलन प्रायः थिएन । बसाइ सराइ पहाडवाट तराइतिर र भारत तथा म्यानमारसम्म सिमित थियो । हाल करिब ८० लाख नेपाली विदेशमा रहेको अनुमान छ । गैर आवासिय नेपाली सम्वन्धमा नेपाली सामाजिकशास्त्री र समाजशास्त्रीहरुले यस क्षेत्रमा खासै अनुसन्धान गरेको पाइदैन । गैर आवासिय नेपालीहरुले तिनीहरुको जन्मस्थानसंग कसरी निरन्तर संम्पर्कमा रहिरहन्छन भन्ने वारेको बुझाइ ज्यादै कम पाइन्छ । हालैका दिनमा अष्ट्रेलिया जाने र उतै बसोवास गर्ने नेपालीहरुको संख्या दिनानुदिन बढीरहेको छ । गैर आवासिय नेपाली संघका वारेमा पत्रपत्रिका तथा राजनितिक भाषणमा धेरै चलन चल्तीमा आएको भएता पनि यो संघको विधानमा के के कुरा समावेस छन, नेपाल सरकारको कानुनमा गैर आवासिय नेपाली वारेमा के ब्यवस्था छ भन्ने वारे जानकारी कम रहेको छ । यहि विषय वस्तुलाई ध्यानमा राखि प्रस्तुत लेखले अष्ट्रेलियामा बसोवास गर्ने नेपालीहरु कसरी एक आपसमा आबध्द भई अष्ट्रेलियन नेपालीको पहिचान बनाएका छन् भन्ने वारे प्रकाश पार्नु यस लेखको उद्येश्य रहेको छ । यस अध्ययनको लागि प्राथमिक तथा द्वितियक तथ्यांक संकलन गरिएको छ । लेखक स्वयं अध्ययनका क्रममा अष्ट्रेलियामा बस्दाको अनुभव, अवलोकन तथा अष्ट्रेलियामा बसोवास गर्नेहरुसंगको अन्र्तवार्तामा आधारित छ ।</p> ध्रुब प्रसाद Dhruba Prasad बस्याल Basyal Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 थारू जातिका लोकनृत्य र त्यसमा गाइने गीतहरू {Tharu folk dances and songs sung in them} <p>थारू जाति नेपालको तराई क्षेत्रमा परम्परादेखि बस्दै आएका छन् । यिनीहरूको मुख्य पेसा कृषि हो । खेतीपातीका समयमा पुरै मिहिनेतका साथ खेती गर्नु, अन्य समयमा माछा मार्नु र गीतसङ्गीतमा रमाउनु यिनीहरूको मुख्य दिनचर्या हो तथापि आजकल विभिन्न पेसा, व्यवसाय र वैदेशिक रोजगारी आदिमा पनि संलग्न हुन थालेका छन् । यिनीहरू कसैसँग छलकपट नगर्ने, विनोदप्रिय र सिधासाधा जातिका रूपमा पनि चिनिन्छन् । यिनीहरू कुनै पर्व मनाउँदा होस् वा संस्कार सम्पन्न गर्दा होस् तथा खेतीपाती लगाउँन थाल्दा होस् वा लगाईसकेपछि फुर्सदको समयमा विभिन्न नाचहरू देखाउने र ती नाचमा विभिन्न गीतहरू गाउँर रमाइलो गर्ने गर्दछन् । यी गीत वा नाचहरू पनि ठाउँअनुसार फरक फरक छन् । यस अध्ययनमा नेपालको गण्डकी प्रदेशको नवलपुर क्षेत्रमा बसोवास गर्ने थारू जातिले प्रदर्शन गर्ने नाचमा केकस्ता गीतहरू गाइन्छन् भन्ने सन्दर्भबाट अध्ययन गरिएको छ । यस सन्दर्भबाट अध्ययन गर्दा थारू नवलपुरका थारू जातिले विभिन्न समयमा मौलिक बाजाको तालमा मेणरी, झुमरा, रासधारी, जोगेडा, जँत्सारी आदि लोकनाच नाच्ने गरेको र यी नाचमा आआÇनै शैलीका गीत गाउँने गरेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> ध्रुबप्रसाद Dhruba Prasad भट्टराई Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 नवलपरासीको भूगोलमा मानव बस्तीको इतिहास {History of human settlements in the geography of Nawalparasi} <p>नेपालको भौगोलिक परिवेशमा नवलपरासी जिल्लाको भू–वनोट एवम् धरातलीय स्वरूप, हावापानी, पहाड, भित्री मधेस, चुरे, भावर र तराईको भूगोलमा विभाजित नदी, खोलाहरूको प्राकृतिक विषमतालाई चिनाउनु यस लेखको मुख्य सार रहेको छ । एउटै जिल्लामा फरक फरक प्रकृतिको जलवायु, मानव बसोवासको स्थिति, वन जङ्गलप्रति मानवको चलखेल वन विनाश र संरक्षणको स्थिति, राजनीतिक तथा प्रशासनिक विभाजन आदि पक्षलाई विश्लेषण गरी नवलपरासी जिल्लाको परिचय गराउनु पनि यस लेखको उद्देश्य हो । खास गरी प्रागैतिहासिक कालको नवलपरासीको संरचना र मानव बस्तीको रूपमा विकसित स्थितिलाई देखाउनु र नवलपरासी जिल्लाको इतिहास केलाउनु पनि लेखको सार हो । विशेष गरेर नवलपरासीको भौगोलिक परिस्थितिमा मानव बस्तीको विकास क्रमलाई प्रागैतिहासिक अवस्थादेखि वर्तमान अवस्थासम्मको स्थितिलाई सङ्क्षेपमा विश्लेषण गरी नवलपरासीको भू–भागलाई चिनाउनु लेखको प्रमुख सार हो । सबै प्रकारको भौगोलिक र प्राकृतिक वातावरण समेटिएको नवलपरासीले सदीऔँ पुरानो सभ्यतालाई हुर्काएर मानव बस्तीको जगेर्ना गर्दै आएको भू–भौतिक तथा मानव बसोवाससम्बन्धी विषयवस्तुको मूल्याङ्गन गर्नमा यो लेख सीमित रहेको छ । पुरानो नवलपरासी जिल्लाको वर्तमान भौगोलिक र प्रशासनिक स्थितिलाई चिनाएर दुइ प्रदेश र दुइ जिल्लामा परिणत भएको वास्तविक स्थितिलाई पनि यस लेखमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।</p> बमबहादुर Bambahadur अधिकारी Adhikari Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 ठाडो भाका लोक नृत्य {Thado Bhaka Folk Dance} <p>प्रस्तुत लेख ठाडोभाकालोकनृत्यको अध्ययनमा केन्द्रित छ । ठाडोभाकागीतको एउटा लय वा शैलीहो । यसै गीतगायनसँगै गरिने नृत्यलाई यस अध्ययनका सन्दर्भमा ठाडोभाका लोकनृत्य भनिएको छ । गुरुङ समुदायमा भने रोधीका नामबाट यो नृत्य प्रचलित छ । यसरी यस नृत्यको प्रचलन जातिगत रूपमा दुरा, गुरुङ, मगर, कुमाललगायत समुदायमा रहेको देखिन्छभने क्षेत्रगतरूपमालमजुङ, कास्की, तनहुँ, गोरखा, म्याग्दी, सुदूर पश्चिम, कर्णाली क्षेत्र, सुदूरपूर्व, भारतको आसाम लगायत स्थानमा प्रचलित देखिन्छ । यसका विभिन्न नाम र प्रस्तुतिगत शैलीछन् । क्षेत्रकार्यबाट सङ्कलित सामग्रीका आधारमा यस लेखमा यस नृत्यको प्रचलनका बारेमा चर्चा गरी गीतसहित प्रस्तुत गरिने आख्यानमुक्त लोकनृत्यका कथ्यविषय वा मूलभाव, शैली, भाषा, उद्देश्य, स्थायी—अन्तरा र थेगो, लय वा सङगीत र रङ्गमञ्च र वेशभूषा जस्ता तŒवका आधारमा विश्लेषण गरिएको छ ।</p> मुकुन्द Mukunda शर्मा Sharma Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 एउटा सल्लाह कवितामा पौरस्त्य दर्शन {Paurastya philosophy in an advice poem} <p>प्रस्तुत लेखमा शिवगोपाल रिसालद्वारा रचिएको एउटा सल्लाह कवितालाई पौरस्त्य दर्शनका कोणबाट विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । आध्यात्मिक विषयलाई सांसरिक जीवनसँग तादात्म्य गराएर यसलाई अपरिहार्य ठानी अगाडि बढाउने कवि रिसालको उक्त कवितामा पौरस्त्य दर्शनको प्रस्तुति भएको छ । यस कवितामा मूलतः मनलाई अध्यात्ममा वा ईश्वरमा लगाउँर मोक्ष प्राप्त गर्नुपर्ने चिन्तनलाई प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । ईश्वरको अस्तित्वलाई स्वीकार्ने आस्तिक वेदान्त दर्शनको मूल मर्म यस कवितामा आएको छ । मनको शुद्धता, ईश्वरको चिन्तन, जीवनको क्षणिकता, भौतिक वस्तुप्रति वितृष्णा, मनको चिन्तनजस्ता विषयमा केन्द्रित रहे पनि कवितामा मूलतः आत्मज्ञानको अर्थात् मोक्ष प्राप्तिको ध्येय राखिएको छ । हरेक मानिसलाई सांसरिक विषय वासनाले मोक्ष प्राप्तिमा वाधा गरिरहेको हुन्छ । त्यो वासनालाई हटाएर आÇनो स्वरूप आत्मा प्राप्ति गर्नु नै प्रस्तुत कविताको दार्शनिक चिन्तन रहेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> ज्ञाननिष्ठ Gyannistha ज्ञवाली Gyawali Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धनमा पथ प्रदर्शकको भूमिका एक अध्ययन {A Study of the Role of Guides in Tourism Promotion} <p>पर्यटन वर्तमान समयमा आय आर्जन गर्ने महत्वपूर्ण एवम् बलियो स्रोत भएको छ । संसारका जुनसुकै मुलुकमा पनि आर्थिक उन्नति र प्रगकिो भरपर्दाे आधार पर्यटन बन्दै आएको छ । पर्यटन विकासका लागि रमणीय गन्तव्य भएर मात्र पुग्दैन । पर्यटकलाई यात्रामा सहयोगीको भूमिका निर्वाह गर्ने पथ प्रदर्शकको महत्व पनि उत्तिकै उल्लेखनीय हुने गर्दछ । पर्यटनका लागि पथ प्रदर्शक एउटा अनिवार्य जनशक्ति हो । सामान्यतः व्यक्ति आफूले जानेको, चिनेको, पुगेको स्थानमा भनदा पनि नजानेको नचिनेको र नपुगेको बिरामी गन्तव्यमा यात्रा गर्न मन पराउँदछ । यो मानवीय स्वभाव एवम् मनोविज्ञान नै हो । त्यसैले पर्यटनलाई एउटा अपरिचित ठाउँमा गरिने यात्रा भएकाले सम्बन्धित यात्रुलाई आवश्यक पर्ने अनेकन सुख सुविधाहरूमध्ये पथ प्रदर्शक पनि एउटा महत्वपूर्ण सुविधा भित्र पर्दछ । पथ प्रदर्शकको सहयोग एवम् सहायताले मात्र यात्रुले सही अर्थमा सम्बन्धित गन्तव्यका विषयमा जानकारी लिन सक्दछन् । सकेसम्मको फाइदा उठाउन सक्ने सम्भावना रहन्छ । फलस्वरूप पथ प्रदर्शक पर्यटनका लागि अनिवार्य आवश्यकता मानिएको हो । समग्रमा खास लेखमा पृष्ठभूमि, पथ प्रदर्शकको अर्थ, पथ प्रदर्शकका निम्ति चाहिने आधारभूत मापदण्ड, पथ प्रदर्शकको पालना गर्नुपर्ने आचार संहिता, पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धनमा पथ प्रदशकको भूमिका र उपशीर्षक भित्र पथ प्रदर्शकसँग सम्बन्धित विविध पक्षको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ ।</p> सुरेश Suresh आचार्य Acharya Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 ढुंगाको टुसाउने भानुभक्त पोखरेल {Dhungako Tusaune Bhanubhakta Pokharel} <p>प्रस्तुत आलेख भानुभक्त पोखरेलको काव्यकारितासँग सम्बन्धित छ । यसमा कवि पोखरेलको सङ्क्षिप्त परिचय, उनका प्रकाशित कृति तथा सम्पादनको चर्चा गर्नुका साथै उनका कवितामा व्यक्त विषयवस्तुगत, भावगत र शैलीगत ढाँचामा देखिने विविध प्रवृत्तिहरू, बिम्बप्रतीक योजना, छन्द एवम् लयविधान तथा उनको भाषाशैलीका सम्बन्धमा समीक्षा गरिएको छ । त्यसै गरी उनको ‘ढुङ्काको टुसो’ कविता सङ्ग्रहअन्तर्गत समाविष्ट पचास वटा कविताहरूलाई रचनाकाल क्रमगत ६ समूहमा राखेर विभिन्न कोणहरूबाट सङ्क्षिप्त विवेचना गरिएको छ । यस क्रममा पोखरेलका प्रारम्भिक कविताहरूमा रोमान्टिक भावधारा सल्बलाएको र त्यसपछिका कविताहरूमा उनले आफ्ना जीवनवादी तथा कर्मवादी चिन्तन, साहित्यकला सम्बन्धी आफ्ना सिर्जन मान्यता, प्रकृतिप्रेम, देशप्रेम, राजनीतिक बेथिति, सामाजिक विकृति, विसङ्गति, अन्याय, अत्याचार, भ्रष्टाचार, पश्चिमी संस्कृतिको छाडा प्रवृत्ति तथा मानवीय मूल्यमान्यताको ह्रासप्रति कठोर व्यङ्ग्य गरेका अनि उत्तरवर्ती कविताहरूमा नेपालीहरूको वीरताको गुणगान, शान्तिको कामना, काव्यकवितासम्बन्धी आफ्ना मान्यताहरूमा प्रौढता र स्पष्ट चिन्तन तथा कविताहरूमा परिष्कार, परिमार्जनतर्फ संशोधन परिमार्जनतर्फ पोखरेल आकर्षित देखिएका छन् भन्ने निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> तिलकप्रसाद Tilakprasad लम्साल Lamsal Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Foreign Labour Migration and Utilization of Remittance in Nepal <p>Migration in general refers to geographical or spatial mobility from one geographical unit to another which involves a change of place from the place of origin to the place of destination. Foreign labour as the form of the relationship of an employee on an employer outside the territory of the country where the employee pursues activity according to employer’s instructions for the remuneration agreed upon in advance. A remittance is a transfer of money by a foreign labour to an individual in his or her home country. Remittance to Nepal has a strong hold in the national economy and they have also transformed the lives of a large number of rural people. The objectives of the study are: to find the social background of the foreign labor migrants and to explore the utilization of remittance. This study overall uses quantitative method as core methodological analysis to substantiate its argument. The research method is survey with interview schedule as the tool. The study shows that there are different background of foreign labour migrants and most of the remittance is utilized to fulfill the livelihood, education and health. The implication of the study is to strengthen the foreign labour migration through the proper utilization of remittance in Nepal.</p> Arjun K.C. Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Practice and Conflict Management in Farmer Managed Irrigation System in Nepal <p>The main objective of this research is to investigates the practice of farmer managed irrigation system and existing conflicts management practice of farmer managed irrigation system (FMIS), which concerning the construction, operation, maintenance and conflict management of local irrigation systems. The farmers of the study area managed the irrigation system with the adaptation of indigenous knowledge and practices relating to various irrigation management activities such as water allocation, distribution and conflict management. The study is based on structured interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview for the data collection. The major battle in FMIS in Nepal that are discussed here are water allocation and distribution, external development, assistance, resource misuse, operation and maintenance, and water tax collection.</p> Ganga K.C. Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Human-Nature Relationship in Hardy’s The Woodlanders <p>This article examines human-nature relationship in Thomas Hardy’s novel <em>The Woodlanders</em>. It examines how Hardy shows environment’s role in nourishing human beings and giving them knowledge. This article, in particular, studies the situations of the characters Grace Melbury, Fitzipiers and Mrs. Charmond. In the novel, Hardy dramatizes how place determines the ‘making’ and ‘unmaking’ of an individual especially through the character of Grace Melbury. The novel deals with the problematic aspects of being uprooted from the place. The characters with the rootedness to place have the easier survival, fixed geographical and cultural identity and the other who have not rootedness with the geographical location neither get fixed social/cultural identity nor assimilate with the place properly. Lack of assimilation with the place makes the characters suffer. In this sense, the novel has highly emphasized the sense of place in it.</p> Hari Krishna Lamichhane Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Earthquake on Migration A Post-Earthquake Assessment: The Case of Sankhu, Kathmandu <p>The central objective of this study was to explore to assess the immediate impact of the 2015 Earthquake on Livelihood. Limited studies were carried out after the 2015 earthquake, except for a few notes no academic research was available till the period of this research done about Sankhu. Here the researcher himself from Sankhu tried to explore the Post-earthquake Impacts of Migration a historic town in Sankhu. This study was based on the qualitative research methodology, and revealed, immigration started in the community that has a lot of impact on culture, economy, and infrastructure in the community. Historically, since the Panchayat regime, there was no trend of immigration. The purpose of out-migration was for education to business. On one hand, the 2015 earthquake forced them to migrate from Sankhu and on another hand, the implication 2015 earthquake on migration forced people to change their residences and different parameters of livelihoods.</p> <p>The results of this study conclude that volume of migration within the Sankhu is higher than the volume of migration outsides to the Sankhu, short distance migration preferred after the 2015 earthquake. The immediate impact of the 2015 earthquake was on infrastructure, occupation, education, health, the culture which are the means of livelihood, several displacements was the first step of the impact of the 2015 earthquake before migration for better livelihoods.</p> <p>We observed that migration is selective, our study reveals that priority basis migration with the selection of opportunity of earning, place either at the vicinity of Sankhu or Kathmandu city. As well as the recent change of center place in Sankhu proved by members of business enterprises increasing surrounding the Sankhu than Sankhu town inside which was a historic business place. The people who are staying in Sankhu struggling with difficulties for better Livelihoods destroyed.</p> Madan Gopal Shrestha Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Feminists Reading of Foucault's Theory of Sexuality and Power <p>Sexuality is a normal and healthy part of human lives, normally and naturally, human is a sexual being and sexuality is viewed as a person's capacity for sexual interests and feelings. Similarly, sexuality is shaped and regulated by various determining factors such as social, political, cultural, legal, biological, psychological, spiritual, historical and so on which varies across societies and cultures. Sexuality is a broader idea which has various theoretical explanations and unbending social arrangements and comprises much more than sexual intercourse. On top of it, there is no single narrative which is globally accepted, various debates and discourses are more vigorous in the context of power, sexuality and feminism. Many theoreticians, researchers and practitioners have looked upon instances of homosexual, intersexual or non-hetero births as problems for the binary model that they have identified of power and sexuality. We consider power and sexuality to be distinct hitherto closely attached categories and yet it is a dynamics of power and mechanism of social control. Foucault has emphasized the role of discourses of ideas in constructing and regulating human sexuality and prevailing patriarchal order. Basically, this paper explores some conceptual and theoretical dialogues concerning sexuality, power and feminist narrative. In this context, the aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between feminist standpoints of gender and sexuality and Foucault's ideas of sexuality and power. &nbsp;</p> Mina Devi Uprety Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Social and Economic status of Casino women in Nepal <p>The research aims to explore the women status in casino job. The research has been performed by the survey, interview and participant observation in their everyday job. Upon examination of this situation, it becomes clear that casino job status is meaningful in Nepalese community which has brought tremendous changes in their life world and that has brought stratification on them. Gender based society like Nepal has more peculiar obstacles effect on women where they faced more difficulties on their daily life. They are suppressed from the social deformities like teasing, touching and other verbal amusement from male on the issue of job in Casino. Using of Teenagers women in casino only for the entertainment mechanism was developed. Aged women are neglected in the job as well. Participation of such a woman in the casino, directly or indirectly help on tourism sector of Nepal. The women labourers of the casino were found enjoyed with facilities provided such as economic, transportation, allowances, medical etc. Since the labourers both male and female work in close proximity, the relationship between the female co-workers and the customers was in good condition. The concerned authorities have not paid due attention to the plight of these simple hard working labourers who has made significant contribution towards increasing gross national product and also earning foreign currency.</p> Raju K.C. Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A Variance-Ratio Test of Random Walk in the Stock Markets of Selected South Asian Countries <p>Over the past many years, researchers in finance, economics, and other related fields conduct intensive studies to examine whether stock prices follow a random walk. They, used various statistical techniques, often document mixed findings. In this paper, the random walk hypothesis is assessed using the relatively fresh data, NEPSE Index, BSE Sensex, DSE Index and KSE 100 Index of the Nepalese Stock market, Indian Stock Market, Bangladeshi stock market and Pakistani Stock Market from February 2012 to November 2017.The study is based on the Lo and Mackinlay variance ratio test. The empirical result explored that the Nepalese stock market follow the random walk model but Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani stock market do not follow the random walk.</p> Yub Raj Dhungana Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Food Adulteration and Its Impact on Health <p>Food adulteration is the addition or mixing of inferior, harmful, substandard, useless or unnecessary substances to foods. This loses the nutritional content and quality of food items. Adulteration poses a number of health hazards which include health diseases and weaken the immune system. The main objectives of this study was to aware of consumer about food adulteration and use of organic food items. Department of Food Technology and Quality Control under Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives is the major Government Institution responsible for food safety and quality management. There is a need of public campaign to make the general public aware about the quality of food items. We consumer should be aware of and conscious while buying food items. This study is based on the informations taken from secondary sources. At the end some suggestions and recommendations are given for improving the health status of consumers.</p> Rodana Pantha Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Advertisement on Brand Choice of Tea <p>This article attempts at exploring the role of advertisement on brand choice of tea. Most of the customers use tea every day in their life. It will be concentrated on influence of advertisement in brand choice of a tea. In other words, the study found out role of advertisement in brand choice. This research is carried out to see the different factors that consider the purchase decision of tea brand, participants of buying tea, knowledge about advertisement of tea, medium of advertisement, role of advertisement on brand choice and role of advertisement. For this, questionnaire survey of 60 tea users from different education and ethnic background are surveyed. By using simple descriptive method to analyze data, it is identified that they have all level of education from primary to master level, Tokla as first choice, duration of using current brand between less than one year to more than three years, advertisement is most important factor than price and quality, self purchase decider and buying participant. All of them have knowledge about advertisement and most of them use television as a medium of advertisement. The study finds that high role of advertisement on brand choice and advertisement is responsible to some extent in changing brand of tea as well.</p> Neera Shrestha Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Some Suggestions to Defend Viva-voce Successfully <p>Viva voce, the oral presentation of academic research, also known as thesis defense, is nerve wracking experience for most of the students. Many experienced people also become panic during paper presentation in front of scholars. In such context, it would not be a surprise if students become nervous during their thesis defense. The objective of this paper is to explore the experiences of the scholars during viva voce and make students informed about the steps to prepare oral presentation. This study is based on primary and secondary data. Four case studies were collected from PhD holders from Universities of Nepal through personal communication during the year 2016. Secondary data were pulled from web sites. The findings of the study revealed that many of the scholars including national and international have unpleasant experiences. Such unpleasant experiences are not associated with only students’ poor work, poor presentation, and nervousness but also with committee members’ attitude, and unclear questions. It can be concluded that the work of the students’ is already evaluated and recommended to award degree by the supervisor, co-supervisor, and internal examiner. Therefore, it can be said that the viva voce should not be only one determining factor for assessing whether to award degree or not. However, it is students’ responsibility to defense their viva perfectly.</p> Samidha Dhungel Pokharel Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 2021 Analysis of Elderly people living in Briddha Ashram <p>Ageing is a natural phenomenon and an inevitable process. Population ageing is pervasive since it is creating humanitarian, social and economic problems in many countries of the world including Nepal. Nepalese society is in a phase of modernization. There is modification in the cultural norms and traditional family support systems for elderly in Nepal which have placed substantial strain in caring elderly people. In Nepal, there were 1.5 million in 2001 and 2.1 million in 2011, elderly inhabitants, which constitute 6.5 percent and 8.1 % of the total population in the country. During the years 1991-2001, the annual elderly population growth rate was 3.39 percent, higher than the annual population growth rate of 2.3 percent. Growing numbers of elderly people are suffering problems in different aspect, but there are limited studies in relation to general morbidities as well as specific in this group of people. The government of Nepal has formulated a National policy, act and regulations on ageing and the problems of elderly; however, this has not been operationalised because of limited resources. In this background of problems that elderly people are facing and government slow initiatives, this paper is illustrated with the objective to explore the different dimensions of ageing and health and health related services for aging people in Nepal using different information for the purpose of further concrete steps in the benefits for elders.</p> Bed Kumari Subedi Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Dynamics of Making of Large Dam: An overview of Benefits and Challenges <p>Worldwide debate concerning large dam is remarkably a complex issue in development field. It becomes more complex because the issue is not only confined to planning, designing, and development of dams but also embraces a series of social, cultural and environmental aspects besides human being’s desire and aspiration of progress. It is obvious that large dams are constructed to generate numerous benefits such as hydropower electricity, irrigation and flood control, increased water supply that eventually brings comprehensive benefits to the society, culture and nation as a whole. In the pursuit of development of Nepal, it is an established fact that hydropower remains the most important resource which has a huge potential to contribute for the energy demand as well as a better social and economic status of its citizen that ultimately lead to accelerate the economic growth of the country. Nepal has received tremendous support from many developed countries and various institutions for the construction of large dam with a purpose of producing hydropower. This paper seeks to analyze the various aspects and impacts of large dam construction with reference to the displacement and resettlement of the evicted people.</p> Santosh K. Bhagat Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Digging up the Gender Spectrum: Patriarchy to Intersectionality <p>This paper aims to depict the overall situation of gender and its prevalent variants throughout the globe, in particular to Nepal. The dichotomy of sex and gender, on the other hand, is another debated issue giving rise to number of feminist movements. These movements have direct impacts entailing the gender practices in Nepali society and culture. As such, Nepal’s journey through the channel of gender spectrum leads a roadmap to a more liberal perspective of gender.</p> Ashok Kumar Adhikari Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Fear in Eco-turbulence <p>Fear in eco-turbulence captures the real picture of the present global warming’s, chemical issues, industrial smokes, pollution in different fields and the fear of the environment and the exports who want to avoid such possible disasters for the living creatures. It has attempted to present the facts as it is to give the true knowledge to those people who have no knowledge in this regard. It shows that lots of experts have already warned people to be conscious in it and to address the issues on time for the sake of humanity. It does not blame anyone but awakens the people of all levels to come in the action of preserving and balancing ecology and environment in no time.</p> Bhawani Shankar Adhikari Copyright (c) 2021 Democratic Teacher's Association Nepal, PKM Campus Unit Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000