Shikshya Sandesh <p>Shikshya Sandesh is a peer Reviewed multidisciplinary official publication brought out by the Faculty of Education, Prithvi Narayan Campus (PNC), Pokhara, Nepal. The publication aims to serve as a forum for educational leadership, to influence the way for teaching/learning activities and the way educational professionals work together and support students, teachers and other stakeholders.</p> en-US <p>This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.</p> (Dr. Shova Kanta Lamichhane) (Sioux Cumming) Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:03:50 +0000 OJS 60 नेपाली काँग्रेसका तीन सशस्त्र क्रान्तिमा मिडियाको प्रयोग {Use of media in three armed revolutions of Nepali Congress} <p>प्रस्तुत अनुसन्धानात्मक लेख नेपालमा प्रजातन्त्र स्थापनाका लागि नेपाली काँग्रेसलेगरेका तीनओटा सशस्त्र क्रान्ति र त्यस क्रममा मिडियालाई कसरी प्रयोग गरिएकोथियो भन्ने विषयमा केन्द्रित छ । नेपाली राष्ट्रिय काँग्रेस र नेपाल प्रजातन्त्र काँग्रेसबीच एकीकरण भएर वि.सं.२००६ सालमा नेपाली काँग्रेसको स्थापना भए लगत्तै निरंकुश राणा शासनको अन्त्यका लागि २००७ सालमा पहिलो पटक हतियार उठाएको नेपाली काँग्रेसले प्रजातन्त्र स्थापनाका लागि २०१८ र २०२८ गरी तीन पटक सशस्त्र क्रान्ति गर्यो । पहिलो क्रान्तिबाट १०४ वर्षे राणा शासनको अन्त्य गरी मुलुकमा प्रजातन्त्र स्थापना गरे पनि उसले चलाएका दुई ओटा क्रान्ति भने सफल हुन सकेनन् । पञ्चायत विरुद्ध काँग्रेसले चलाएको क्रान्तिका क्रममा वि.सं.२०३१ सालमा ओखलढुङ्गामा कव्जा गरी समानान्तर सरकार चलाउने योजना विफल भएपछि संस्थापक नेता बीपी कोइरालाले क्रान्तिको बाटो त्यागेर पार्टीलाई शान्तिपूर्ण राजनीतिमा अवतरण गराए । नेपालको जेठो दल नेपाली काँग्रेसले सशस्त्र क्रान्तिका समयमा मिडियाकोउपयोग कसरी गरेको थियो भन्ने विषयमा अनुसन्धान गर्नु यस अध्ययनको मुख्य उद्देश्य हो ।</p> जगत Jagat नेपाल Nepal Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 तनहुँको स्थानीय प्रशासनको इतिहास (वि.सं. १८३९–१९०३) {History of Local Administration in Tanahun (1839-1903)} <p>उत्तर मध्यकालमा नेपालमा साना ठूला गरी करिब ५२ ओटा राज्यहरु अस्तित्वमा थिए । यी राज्यहरु गण्डकी प्रदेशमा चौबिस वटा, कर्णाली प्रदेशमा बाइस वटा, पूर्वमा सेनहरुका तीन ओटा र उपत्यकामा मल्लहरुको तीनओटा राज्यहरु थिए । गण्डकी प्रश्रवण क्षेत्रमा पर्ने भए पनि गोरखा राज्य चौबिसी राज्यअन्तर्गत पर्दैनथ्यो । यही गोरखा राज्यको राजा पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले आरम्भ गरेको नेपाल बिजयी अभियान उनकोसन्नतीहरुले पूरा गरी सिंगो राष्ट्र नेपाल निर्माण गरे । तनहुँ राज्य वि.सं. १८३९ कार्तिकमा नेपाल अधिराज्यमा एकीकरण भएको हो । तनहुँ राज्यको कमजोर प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था, मजबुत सैनिक संगठनको अभाव, राज्य संकटमा परेको समयमा जनसहभागिता जुट्न नसक्नुर तनहुँका राजाहरुले गोरखा राज्यको बढ्दो शक्ति र कुटनीतिक क्षमता चिन्न र बुभ्mन नसक्नु तनहुँ राज्य पतन हुनाका प्रमुख कारणहरु हुन् । राज्य नरहेपछि तनहुँको प्रशासन सिधै केन्द्रबाट संचालन हुन थाल्यो । स्थानीय प्रशासनिक पदाधिकारी अर्थात् तालुकदारका रुपमा सेन राजाकै भारदारहरुलाई नियुक्त गरिएको पाइन्छ । यस्ता तालुकदारहरु अमाली, जिम्मावाल, मुखिया, जेठाबुढा, थरी, द्वारे आदि थिए । सेन राज्यको पतन पछि तनहुँको प्रशासनिक अवस्थासम्बन्धी विषयवस्तुहरुलाई उजागर गर्ने उद्देश्यले प्रस्तुत लेख तयार पारिएको छ ।</p> तिलु थापा Tilu Thapa श्रेष्ठ Shrestha Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 पौरस्त्य परम्पराका केही दार्शनिक पद्धति {Some Philosophical Approaches of the Western Tradition} <p>दर्शनलाई नवउल्लास, नवआकाङ्क्षा र नयाँ प्राप्ति साधनाको नियमित अविरल प्रक्रिया मानिन्छ । प्रशस्त विदृत विमर्शबाटै सजीव परम्परा र चिन्तनको विकास सम्भव छ । हिन्दु, बौद्ध, जैन, लोकायत सन्दर्भादि पौरस्त्य दर्शन परम्पराका निरन्तरता मानिन्छन् । आस्तिक र नास्तिक गरी दुई धाराका दर्शन पौरस्त्य परम्परामा देखिन्छ । यिनैचिन्तनमा आधारित भएर यो लेख तयार गरिएको छ ।</p> परशुराम Parashuram कोइराला Koirala Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 दिव्योपदेशका सूक्तिहरूको विश्लेषण {Divyopadeshkaa Suktiharuko Vishleshan} <p>दिव्योपदेशका सूक्तिहरूको विश्लेषण’ शीर्षकको प्रस्तुत आलेख सूक्तिको सैद्धान्तिक अवधारणा र ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमिमा दिव्योपदेशको विश्लेषण गर्ने उद्देश्यले तयारपारिएको हो । पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले आफ्नो जीवनको अन्तिमतिर भाइभारदारहरूलाई दरबारमा भेला गराएर राजकाजका निम्ति अत्यावश्यक नीति समेटेर दिएको मार्गदर्शन वा सूक्ति सङ्ग्रहलाई ‘दिव्योपदेश (१८३१) भनिन्छ । आलेख तयार पार्ने सन्दर्भमा मूलतः पुस्तकालयीय कार्यको प्रयोग गरेर प्राथमिक तथा द्वितीयक स्रोतबाट सामग्री सङ्कलन गरी उक्त सामग्रीहरुको अध्ययनबाट प्राप्त भएका वस्तुतथ्यलाई तर्क, प्रमाण र दृष्टान्तका आधारमा पुष्टि गरिएको छ । अत्यावश्यक ठाउँमा पूर्वअध्येताहरूसँग संवाद गर्दै आलेखलाई पूर्णता दिइएको हो । सूक्तिको सैद्धान्तिक धरातल र ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमिमा रहेर दिव्योपदेशमा व्यक्त सूक्तिहरूको विश्लेषण गर्दा अर्थनीति, उपदेश परम्परा, कूटनीति, कृषि तथा व्यापार, धर्मसंस्कृति, परराष्ट्रनीति, युद्धनीति, राजनीति, राष्ट्रप्रेमजस्ता चललाई मुख्य आधार मानी उक्त चलका आधारमा अध्ययन विश्लेषण गर्दा दिव्योपदेश सूक्तिका हिसाबले उत्कृष्ट नमुना देखिएको छ । शाहलेआफ्ना भाइभारदारहरूलाई विभिन्न विषय समेटी छरिएकै रूपमा महत्त्वपूर्ण अर्ती–उपदेश दिएका छन् । दिव्योपदेशमा व्यक्त विचार, अनुभव र अनुभूति समयसापेक्ष, ओजन्दार र गहन छन् । यस्तो महत्त्वपूर्ण कृतिको सूक्तिका आधारमा विश्लेषण भएकोपाइँदैन । तसर्थ यस आलेखमा यही रिक्ततालाई पूर्णता दिने काम गरिएको छ । विभिन्न चलहरूका आधारमा दिव्योपदेशमा प्रस्तुत सूक्तिहरूको विश्लेषण नयाँ कार्य भएकालेयस आलेखको औचित्य पुष्टि हुन्छ । समाजशास्त्रीय कोणबाट पनि अध्ययन गर्न मिल्नेदिव्योपदेशलाई यहाँ सूक्तिको सैद्धान्तिक अवधारणाका आधारमा चलहरू चयन गरी त्यही आधारमा विश्लेषण गरी समयसापेक्षित महत्व रहेको निष्कर्ष दिइएको छ ।</p> यमनाथ Yemnath तिमिल्सिना Timilsina Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 पाठ्यक्रम विकासमा जडीबुटी संस्कृतिको महत्व {Importance of herbal culture in curriculum development} <p>प्रस्तुत अनुसन्धान पाठ्यक्रम बिकासमा जडीबुटी सँस्कृतिको महत्व शीर्षकमा आधारित छ । अध्यनको उद्देश्य जडीबुटी सँस्कृतिको पाठ्यक्रम बिकासमा महत्व पत्ता लगाउनु रहेको छ । संस्कृति मानिसले आफ्नो अनुभव एव क्षमताको प्रयोग गरीनिर्माण गरिएको मूल्य र मान्यता हो, यसले व्यक्ति र समाजलाई मार्गनिर्देशन गर्दछ । पाठ्यक्रम विकास गर्दा समाजको सँस्कृति सँग सम्बन्धित सिद्धान्तको प्रयोग गरिन्छ । यस अध्ययनमा द्वितियक स्रोतका तथ्याङ्ककको प्रयोग गरी संकलन गरिएका सुचनालाई विषयवस्तु विश्लेषण विधिबाट विश्लेषण गरीनिष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ । नेपालमा वनस्पति मानव संस्कृतिको रुपमा विकास भएको छ । विशषगरी नेपालको हिमाली क्षेत्रमा वहुमुल्य जडीबुटी पाइने हुनाले यस क्षेत्रमा जडीबुटीको बारेमा थुप्रै खोज अनुसन्धान भएका छन । जुडीवुटीबाट उपचार गर्ने पद्धति आयूर्वेदमा जडीबुटीको बारेमा व्याख्या हाम्रा वैदिक ग्रन्थहरुमा गरेको पाइन्छ । वैदिक ग्रन्थलाई ब्रम्हाले रचना गरेको मानिन्छ । यसरी हेर्दा जडीबुटीको प्रयोग व्रहको पालादेखि नै हुने गरेको मान्न सकिन्छ । जडीबुटी र पाठ्यक्रम सम्बन्धी विभिन्न समयमा भएका खोज अनुसन्धानले, समाजको सँस्कृतिलाई समेटेर पाठ्यक्रम निर्माण नभएकोमा सरोकारवालाहरुको पाठ्यक्रमप्रति नकरात्मक धारणा रहेको तरसमाजको आवश्यकतालाई समेटेर निर्माण गरिएकोमा सरोकारवालाहरुको सकरात्मक धारणा रहेको छ । जडीबुटीको सम्बन्ध मानिसको हरेक पक्षसँग जोडिएको छ । जडीबुटीकोप्रयोग खाना, लगाउन, बास वनाउन, स्वास फेर्न सम्पूर्णमा भएको पाइन्छ । जडीबुटी मानव जातिको संस्कृतिकको रुपमा विकास भएको छ । पाठ्यक्रम विकासको आधारसमाजको हो, संस्कृति समाजमा प्रयोग हुने जडीबुटीसँग जोडिएको हुन्छ । यसरी पाठ्यक्रम विकासमा र जडीबुटीको सँस्कृति महत्वपूर्ण रहेन्छ । पाठ्यक्रम शिक्षाको आधारहो, देश बिकासलाइ निर्देशन गर्ने काम शिक्षाले गर्दछ । हाम्रो देशको संस्कृति, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, भौगोलिक, वातावरणीय, सम्पूर्ण बिकासमा जडीबुटीको महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका देख्न सकिन्छ, त्यसैले पाठ्यक्रमको बिकास गर्दा पाठ्यक्रममा जडीबुटीलाइ समावेश गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने अध्ययनको निष्कर्ष छ ।</p> रेशमबहादुर Reshambahadur सुवेदी Subedi Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Integral Role of Political Parties in the Democratic Movement of 1950 <p>Political scientists differ in the definition of democracy. Some see it as liberal reforms or structural changes brought about by opposition parties, while others see it as the overthrow of an authoritarian administration and the first democratic elections. In Nepal, the definition of democracy and democratic movement varies, starting as an anti-Rana movement against the totalitarian state of one family rule. The anti-Rana campaign in Nepal served as the seed for the democratic movement. Plots and violence entered Nepali politics when people’s involvement in politics had decreased, which resulted in Jung Bahadur’s foundation of Rana authority in 1846. The democratic system, which was founded on the public’s involvement for fundamental rights, started to topple the repressive and authoritarian government. Since 1950, a great number of Nepali heroes have given their lives to bring democracy to their country. The purpose of this study is to uncover the political parties’ unacknowledged contributions to Nepal’s democracy struggle. This paper examines the multifaceted involvement of the political parties, highlighting the diverse strategies, mobilization techniques, and collaborative efforts that shaped the outcome of the democratic movement. Based on qualitative research method this paper shapes interpretivism utilizing and analyzing political movements and revolt change is Hegel’s Dialectical and David Easton’s Political System Theory. Hegel’s notion of “thesis-antithesis and synthesis,” which advances society, describes the conflict between outmoded and progressive concepts. The input-process-output combination that connects political parties and mass mobilization is the focus of Eastons’ theory. This paper briefly introduces Contextualizing the democratic movement in Nepal and its significance. It also highlights the Nepal’s historical and political context, tracing the events leading up to the 1950. Qualitative data about the topic under discussion has been gathered through in-depth interviews and library research. It is restricted to research on the topic’s history. The country’s democratic movement has been a central force shaping its evolution, with political parties serving as both catalysts and conduits for change. This article delves into the crucial role of political parties in Nepal’s democratic movement, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and the ongoing significance they hold in the nation’s political landscape.</p> Arjun Bahadur Bhandari Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Terai Dalits’ Social Status in Nepal: Struggles and Aspirations <p>This study investigates the social status of Terai Dalits in Nepal, a marginalized community facing discrimination for centuries. The study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the origin, social status, and identity of Terai Dalits. The research follows a qualitative design, relying on various sources including secondary documents, books, journals, and websites. It explores the historical perspectives and feelings of the people, focusing on abstract concepts and definitions. Descriptive and analytical methods are employed, adhering to APA 7th edition citation and referencing guidelines. Terai Dalits in Nepal endure precarious social status characterised by economic deprivation, social ostracisation, and untouchability discrimination. They lack land ownership, struggle for education, and face challenges in accessing government resources and services. Discrimination extends to gender disparities, with Dalit women experiencing greater marginalization. Lingering feudalistic practices in Terai society exacerbate their plight, perpetuating a cycle of inequality. Terai Dalits face multiple obstacles, including limited access to policymaking, linguistic divisions, and class exploitation by local elites. Discrimination from both the state and upper-caste individuals contributes to their social exclusion. Terai Dalits’ social status remains fragile, rooted in historical discrimination and cultural practices. To uplift their status, concerted efforts are required at local, regional, and national levels. Initiatives should aim to eradicate discrimination, promote education, and provide economic opportunities, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equal society for Terai Dalits in Nepal. A collective liberation movement united across linguistic divisions, could be instrumental in achieving these goals and breaking the cycle of inequality.</p> Dol Raj Kafle Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Implementation of Good Governance in Community School: A Case Study <p>This study examines the implementation of good governance practices in Shree Shitaladevi Secondary School, Pokhara 11 of Kaski District, Nepal. It utilizes a case study design of a qualitative approach. Data collected through semi-structured interview with school head teacher, teachers, students and representatives of SMC as well as PTA and a focus group discussion with the representatives of school stakeholders has explored related themes to good governance such as openness and transparency, accountability, independence, integrity, and school effectiveness. The findings reveal positive practices including information sharing with stakeholders, transparent teacher recruitment processes, and financial accountability. Although students’ participation in policy-making is limited, it has highlighted the involvement of parents, teachers, and students in decision-making. The study emphasizes the importance of good governance in ensuring quality education and identifies areas for further improvement. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of governance in community schools and provides valuable insights for policymakers and educators striving for better educational systems. This study has suggested a comprehensive research based on community schools of Nepal to explore the governance mechanisms through which community involvement can be harnessed to address existing challenges of school governance.</p> Govinda Prasad Gairhe Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges Toward Learning Mathematics <p>Mathematics is the science of all sciences and the art of all arts. Mathematicians had been concerned with everyday problems. However, today’s students are uninterested in learning mathematics. My research is based on narrative inquiry and the interpritivism philosophy paradigm. The main objective of this research is to identify students’ challenges to learning mathematics. I gathered information from eight participants from two schools, one public and one private. To achieve the research objective, in-depth interviews were conducted with research participants. I had narrated views about perception and challenges towards learning mathematics from my participants. After analysis and interpretation of data, challenges towards learning mathematics were mathematic anxiety, lack of interest, negative perceptions, lack of students labor, present practice of teaching and unqualified and nonprofessional teachers, traditional teaching methods with rote learning, lack of parents awareness, low socio-economic status of parents, low self-efficacy, lack of motivation and counseling, low self-efficacy of students, unpractical curriculum and courses, poor school administration and physical facilities, math myth. Public school students and non-optional mathematics students had faced more challenges than private school students and optional mathematic students.</p> Maheshwor Pokhrel Copyright (c) 2022 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Job Satisfaction Among Paragliding Pilots in Pokhara <p>The study aimed to examine job satisfaction among paragliding pilots based on Herzberg two-factors theory and understand the factors influencing their satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The research based on a descriptive research design, gathering views and responses from 160 paragliding pilots in Pokhara. The results showed that most of paragliding pilots were male (96.3%). The highest percentage of pilots had a secondary level of education (58.8%), and more than one-third had been working in the field for 9 to 12 years (38.1%). Overall, 106 participants expressed satisfaction with their job, while 65 were content with their colleagues and supervisors. The study found a positive correlation (0.202) between job satisfaction and hygiene factors, as per Herzberg’s theory. The p-value (0.011) indicated that this relationship was statistically significant. However, no significant associations were observed between job satisfaction, hygiene factors, motivational factors, and the respondents’ marital status or annual income. The research highlights the importance of understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to job satisfaction among paragliding pilots. By identifying the aspects that influence their satisfaction, employers and stakeholders in the paragliding industry can create a more conducive and fulfilling work environment for pilots, ultimately enhancing their overall job satisfaction and performance.</p> Narayan Tripathi Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Muta Marriage in Islam: Understanding the Practice, Controversies, and Significance <p>Marriage is a social contract between husband and wife for their future life with responsibilities, right and duties. Islam does not rule out the dissolution of marriage as a last resort for estranged couples. A Muta marriage only lasts for a specified period of time. This article examines the legitimacy of Muta marriage, a popular practice among Shia Muslims, practice, controversies and significance. It discusses the legality of children, inheritance, and divorce, as well as the link between prostitution and Muta marriage. Muta marriage is practiced to avoid persecution and find pleasure, particularly for males, while making women’s lives miserable and shameful. The research is based on a qualitative study, focusing on the general situation of Muta marriage, with in-depth interviews and library research method. The study focuses on the historical analysis of the Muta marriage system, with anonymous respondents referred to as Res.1 through Res.3. on the demand of respondents. Other aspects of the subject topic are not addressed in the research. This article aims to shed light on Muta marriage by exploring its historical context, purpose, controversies, and its place in modern Muslim societies.</p> Niranjan Ojha Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ancestral Rites, Clans and Cultures of Khambus of Khambuwan <p>The aim of this study is to investigate the khambus of Nepal with the focus on the ancestral rites clan and culture. The Khambu Rais or Rais are one of the most ancient indigenous ethnolinguistic groups of Nepal. who used to live in wallo kirant and majh kirant for particular reason. khambus are nature worshippers. Culture is something that people actively create, and it soon helps to shape a population’s sense of self. The myths, tales, shared origin, and cultural history helped to validate and solidify the group’s identity. In this article, stated about khambus and their traditional culture and rituals, despite the fact that they currently incorporate various mainstream religions and rituals. Khambuwan is called majh Kiratand wallo Kirat. khambus called Kirat Rai. Kirata is a generic term for Mongoloids and thus was used in numerous Sanskrit and classical texts as well as some Indian epigraphs. ‘Rai’ is a derivative of Raja. This title is said to have been conferred on the Khambu chiefs by Prithivinarayan shah after the Gorkha conquest of Khambuwan, Although the Khambu are typically thought of as a single organization, a look at their background would show that they actually consist of countless smaller groupings known as thars. Based on their social structure. The Khambu are examined for their differences and similarities in this essay. The Khambu society’s cultural facets can be revealed by an effort to comprehend the intricate nature and operation of the thars and rituals. This study, Philosophy. Uses interpritivism because it retains the purpose of understanding and interpret a research perspective on the sources and factor about khambu society and it’s culture and clan. Nature of Sources of data will be qualitative. Fact will be analysis by primary and secondary sources. Finding of this essay is khambu are still existence with unity in diversity clan by culture.</p> Ram Kumar Rai Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Coarse Aggregate Size Variation on Compressive Strength of Concrete along the Length of Kali Gandaki River <p>The Kali Gandaki River is renowned for its diverse geological composition, providing a unique opportunity to examine how the inherent characteristics of coarse aggregates impact concrete performance in terms of compressive strength. This research delved into the influence of varying coarse aggregate sizes on the compressive strength of concrete obtained from different points along the Kali Gandaki River. Multiple samples of coarse aggregates were gathered from distinct geological regions along the river. The study adopted a concrete mix design for M20, and concrete cubes were manufactured with coarse aggregate sizes ranging from 10mm-16mm, 16mm-20mm, 20mm-25mm, to 25mm-31.5mm. All sample sets underwent compressive strength testing after 7 and 28 days of curing. The results revealed that, under identical curing conditions and water-cement ratios, the compressive strength of the produced concrete increased with the aggregate size, reaching a peak at 25mm. Additionally, among the surveyed locations, namely Ramdi Ghat, Khada Ghat, Pakhichaur Hungi Ghat, and Belchaur Ghat, Belchaur Ghat exhibited superior performance in compressive strength. The findings of this work aim to contribute valuable insights to the field of concrete technology and construction industry.</p> Sanjeev Lamichhane, Deepak Bahadur Thapa, Abhay Mandal Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Factors Associated with Household Headship in Nepal. Does Policy Matter in Female Household Headship? <p>This study entitled ‘Factors associated with household headship in Nepal. Does policy matter in female household headship?’ It aims to find out the association between household headship and socio-demographic characteristics. While, household head/headship allows for socio-economic mobility that results in economic growth, leadership ability, socially, politically and economically productive life, and ultimately satisfaction. We used a cross-sectional design using secondary data from Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2016. We considered household headship as the dependent variable and socio-demographic characteristics such as age, occupation, residence setting, and provinces as the independent variables. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed to find out the association between the independent variables and the dependent variable. It was observed that nearly one-fourth of the respondents were household heads. Of the respondents, more than half were from male-headed households while less than half were females. It was noticed that, the higher the educational achievement the lower the chances of being in household headship concerning females. It can be concluded that higher educational attainment was not a predictor for household headship, but female-headed households were observed as prosperous households. These facts could be considered account by policymakers while planning.</p> Devaraj Acharya, Ramesh Adhikari, Mohan Kumar Sharma, Bishnu Prasad Wagle, Sushil Sharma Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges of Health and Physical Education in Teacher Education Program <p>Health and Physical Education (HPE) is losing appeal despite of its real need in teacher education. In this context, this study aims to explore the teachers’ perceptions towards the importance of health and physical education and its challenges to gain prescribed objectives. To accomplish the objectives, phenomenological research design under qualitative inquiry was applied. Unstructured interview was taken with teachers to gather information. Informants were selected purposively from Prithvi Narayan Campus (PNC) which is the largest constituent campus under Tribhuvan University of Nepal. The study explored that health and physical education is always emerging, dynamic, daily life related and life skills based education but phenomena is different. For this phenomena various constrains are responsible, out of them student, teacher, curriculum, pedagogies, evaluation system and job related challenges are major constrains.</p> Yadav Raj Adhikari Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000