Advocacy Campaign to Improve Governance in Community Forestry: A Case from Western Nepal


  • Popular Gentle CARE Nepal
  • Krisha Prasad Acharya Department of Forest Research and Survey, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Ganga Ram Dahal Research Fellow, CIFOR, Indonesia


community forestry, governance, equity, poverty, Nepal


Nepal's community forestry (CF) programme is regarded as a successful example of decentralization in natural resource management that fulfils people's forest product needs and enhances environmental sustainability. However, emerging evidence indicate that community forest user groups (CFUGs) - key institutions in managing community forests - are institutionally weak in ensuring good governance and equitable management of resources. CFUGs have been facing a major challenge of addressing issues of accountability, transparency, predictability and equity in CF. This paper is based on the findings from five CFUGs which are implementing governance strengthening programme by increasing women's participation and capacitating civil society organisations (CSOs) for advocacy. It describes the processes and activities in improving the CFUG governance. It also highlights the changes observed in those groups which include increased accountability, funds for pro-poor activities, improved transparency in decision making and increased participation of marginalised groups.

Key words: community forestry, governance, equity, poverty, Nepal.

Full text is available at the ForestAction website   

Journal of Forest and Livelihood 6(1) February 2007 pp.59-69  


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How to Cite

Gentle, P., Acharya, K. P., & Dahal, G. R. (2009). Advocacy Campaign to Improve Governance in Community Forestry: A Case from Western Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1), 59–69. Retrieved from


