Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression among Elderly Population Living in Geriatric Homes in Kathmandu Valley


  • PS Choulagai Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus Maharajgunj and Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
  • CK Sharma Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus Maharajgunj and Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
  • BP Choulagai Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus Maharajgunj and Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu


Elderly population, geriatric home, depression


Introduction: Depression generally presents in all age group but is more common among elderly population living in geriatric homes. Despite the growth of geriatric home health services, little is known about the mental health needs of geriatric people seen in their homes.

Methods: This study is conducted in July – December 2010 to determine the prevalence and associated factors of depression among elderly population living in geriatric homes in Kathmandu Valley. A total of 78 elderly people were included in this study. Semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interview guidelines were used to further exploring the associated factors of depression. The study participants were identified by using Geriatric Depression Scale.

Results: The prevalence of depression was 51.3% with severe depression 15.4% and mild depression 35.9%. Most of the severely depressed respondents (75%) were widow/widower; most of the mild depressed respondents (85.7%) were illiterate; three quarter (75%) of severely depressed respondents had no children; and almost all of severely depressed respondents (90.9%) had difficulty in daily living activities due to health problems

Conclusion: Majority of respondents were found to be living with varying level of depression. Poverty, presence of physical illness and lacking social and family support contributes to depression. Majority of depressed respondents mentioned their satisfaction with the living in geriatric home.


Journal of Institute of Medicine, April, 2013; 35:39-44


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How to Cite

Choulagai, P., Sharma, C., & Choulagai, B. (2013). Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression among Elderly Population Living in Geriatric Homes in Kathmandu Valley. Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal, 35(1), 39–44. Retrieved from



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