Haemoconcentration as a predictor of severity in acute pancreatitis


  • Tanka Prasad Bohara Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • Dimindra Karki Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • Anuj Parajuli Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • Shail Rupakheti Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • Mukund Raj Joshi Department of Surgery, Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu




Acute necrotizing pancreatitis, Haematocrit


Background: Acute pancreatitis is usually a mild and self-limiting disease. About 25 % of patients have severe episode with mortality up to 30%. Early identification of these patients has potential advantages of aggressive treatment at intensive care unit or transfer to higher centre. Several scoring systems are available to predict severity of acute pancreatitis but are cumbersome, take 24 to 48 hours and are dependent on tests that are not universally available. Haematocrit has been used as a predictor of severity of acute pancreatitis but some have doubted its role.

Objectives: To study the significance of haematocrit in prediction of severity of acute pancreatitis.

Methods: Patients admitted with first episode of acute pancreatitis from February 2014 to July 2014 were included. Haematocrit at admission and 24 hours of admission were compared with severity of acute pancreatitis. Mean, analysis of variance, chi square, pearson correlation and receiver operator characteristic curve were used for statistical analysis.

Results: Thirty one patients were included in the study with 16 (51.61%) male and 15 (48.4%) female. Haematocrit at 24 hours of admission was higher in severe acute pancreatitis (P value 0.003). Both haematocrit at admission and at 24 hours had positive correlation with severity of acute pancreatitis (r: 0.387; P value 0.031 and r: 0.584; P value 0.001) respectively.

Area under receiver operator characteristic curve for haematocrit at admission and 24 hours were 0.713 (P value 0.175, 95% CI 0.536 - 0.889) and 0.917 (P value 0.008, 95% CI 0.813 – 1.00) respectively.

Conclusion: Haematocrit is a simple, cost effective and widely available test and can predict severity of acute pancreatitis.

Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, Vol. 4(1) 2015, 3-7


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Author Biographies

Tanka Prasad Bohara, Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu

Assistant Professor

Dimindra Karki, Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu


Anuj Parajuli, Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu


Shail Rupakheti, Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal, Kathmandu


Mukund Raj Joshi, Department of Surgery, Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu

Associate Professor




How to Cite

Bohara, T. P., Karki, D., Parajuli, A., Rupakheti, S., & Joshi, M. R. (2016). Haemoconcentration as a predictor of severity in acute pancreatitis. Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, 4(1), 3–7. https://doi.org/10.3126/jkmc.v4i1.15020



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