Pattern of Dermatological Diseases in the Patients of Army Hospital, Kathmandu


  • Sagar Mani Jha Dermato-venereologist, Department of Dermatology and Sexually transmitted Disease, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni
  • Sudarsan Lal Rajbhandari Professor, Department of Dermatology and Sexually transmitted Disease, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni
  • Nabinbhakta Shakya Dermato-venereologist, Department of Dermatology and Sexually transmitted Disease, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni
  • Arbind Pokharel Dermato-venereologist, Department of Dermatology and Sexually transmitted Disease, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni
  • Beena Jha General Practice, Kathmandu



Eczema, Papulosquamous, Vesicobullous


Introduction: Human Skin is the largest organ of the body and may mirror the presence of benign/
malignant systemic diseases in different ways. The pattern of Skin diseases vary in different parts of
Nepal due to differences in socioeconomic and geographic factors. This retrospective study, pattern of
skin disease in Army Hospital likely reflects the pattern of disease in the Kathmandu Valley.
Aim: To study, assess and compare the different patterns of skin disease in the patients attending the
outpatient department in the year 2007 and 2008 in the Army Hospital.
Methods: This was a retrospective study and all the new cases which were diagnosed in the Department of
Dermatology in the years 2007 and 2008 were included. The diseases were classified as Papulosquamous,
Vesicobullous, Connectivetissue disorders, Skin and Soft tissue tumours, Infective, Eczema, Sexually
Transmitted Disease (STI), Leprosy and those skin diseases which were not coming under this format
were classified as others.
Result: The total number of cases recorded in the Department of Dermatology were 16828 in the year
2007 and 18643 in 2008. It was found that the infective group of disorders were the largest group of
disease, in the year 2007 a total of 6135 (36.4%) and in 2008 a total of 7883 (42.2%) had suffered from this
group of disorders. And the incidence of infective disorder was also statistically significant when both the
years were compared p-Value:0.00, OR:1.16, CI:1.11-1.21. Similarly other large groups were Eczema,
papulosqumous and sexually tranmitted disease.
Conclusion: It was found that the disease pattern in this study was lead by infective disease followed by
eczema, papulosquamous disease and sexually transmitted disease.

Key words: Eczema; Papulosquamous; Vesicobullous

DOI:  10.3126/mjsbh.v9i1.3484

Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital
Vol.9(1) 2010 14-16


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How to Cite

Jha, S. M., Rajbhandari, S. L., Shakya, N., Pokharel, A., & Jha, B. (2010). Pattern of Dermatological Diseases in the Patients of Army Hospital, Kathmandu. Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital, 9(1), 14–16.



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