About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The Medical Journal of Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences (MJPAHS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed biannual journal dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality research in health sciences. MJPAHS is published and distributed by Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS), MJPAHS was established in 2016 and is in the process of starting academic activities. Our journal’s aims to encourage and sustain research within the institute and aspires to publish issues regularly and timely. We welcome the support and participation of all members of PAHS to make MJPAHS one of the leading journals of its kind in Nepal.

MJPAHS accepts submissions in the form of original research papers, review articles, case reports, brief reports, viewpoints, short communications, medical education articles, clinical experiences, and letters to the editor that provide new insights into any aspect of medical, dental, and allied health sciences. The journal particularly welcomes submissions in the fields of basic and clinical medical sciences, medical education, public health, hospital, and healthcare management. Any attempt at dual publication will result in automatic rejection and may prejudice future submissions.

Peer-Review Process

MJPAHS is an open access, peer-reviewed, biannual multidisciplinary biomedical journal devoted to Health Sciences. The types of manuscripts accepted for publication include Original Research Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports, Brief Reports, Viewpoints, and Short Communications.

  • Submission Implications: Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If accepted, they cannot be published elsewhere in the same form without the publisher's written consent.
  • Initial Review: Manuscripts are reviewed by the editors within one to two weeks for the initial assessment. If they do not meet the journal's criteria, they are rejected.
  • Peer Review Process: Manuscripts meeting the initial criteria are sent to two specialized reviewers. Reviewers have two weeks to decide whether to review the manuscript. If no response is received, new reviewers are assigned.
  • Review Duration: The review process may take up to six weeks for the first decision. Reviewers use the journal review form and may provide additional comments.
  • Review Decisions: Reviewers can make one of the following decisions:
    • Accept Submission: The manuscript is accepted without revisions.
    • Revisions Required: The manuscript is accepted after minor revisions.
    • Resubmit for Review: The manuscript needs significant changes and another round of review.
    • Resubmit Elsewhere: The manuscript does not fit the journal's focus and scope.
    • Decline Submission: The manuscript is not accepted for publication.
  • Final Decision: Editors make the final decision based on reviewers' recommendations and comments, and the final decision is communicated to the author.

Publication Frequency

The Medical Journal of Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences publishes two issues per volume.

Article Processing Charges

MJPAHS publishes all accepted papers as open access without any submission, processing, or publishing charges.

Open Access Policy

MJPAHS journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

All articles published in MJPAHS are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).

  • Author Rights: Authors retain the ownership of the copyright for their content and allow others to copy, use, print, share, modify, and distribute the content even for commercial purposes as long as the original authors and the journal are properly cited.
  • Publisher Rights: Authors grant MJPAHS the rights to publish, reproduce, distribute, and store contributions, translate and adapt them, create derivative works, and incorporate electronic links to third-party content

Conflicts of Interest

  • Editors: Must manage the review process without any personal or financial conflicts with the manuscripts.
  • Reviewers: Must decline to review if substantial conflicts-of-interest exist and consult the editor if in doubt.
  • Authors: Must disclose any personal or financial relationships that could bias their work.

Plagiarism Policy

MJPAHS uses iThenticate Plagiarism Checking Software powered by Turnitin for checking possible plagiarism in all submitted manuscripts.

  • Responsibility: Authors are responsible for the originality of their manuscripts. Plagiarism is defined as copying someone's theories, ideas, or statements without explicit acknowledgment.
  • Consequences: Based on the extent of plagiarism, the editorial team decides whether to accept the manuscript for further review or reject it.
    • Minor Offense: Less than two paragraphs or 15% of the content plagiarized. Authors are warned and asked to resubmit with corrections.
    • Intermediate Offense: More than two paragraphs or up to 25% of the content plagiarized. Manuscript is rejected, and authors are barred from resubmission for one year.
    • Severe Offense: More than 25% of the content plagiarized. Manuscript is rejected, and authors are blacklisted for 3 to 10 years.

Article Retraction Policy

Retractions occur due to ethical infringements like fake data or research misconduct. A retraction note will be published, and the original article will be marked as retracted but remain unchanged.

Article Withdrawal Policy

  • Before Acceptance: Corresponding authors may request withdrawal before acceptance with a genuine reason.
  • After Acceptance: Withdrawal is not allowed post-acceptance except in cases of scientific errors, duplication, or ethical violations.
  • Post-publication Withdrawal: Published articles remain unchanged except under exceptional circumstances like ethical issues, requiring corrections or retractions.


MJPAHS is published by the Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences.

Sources of Support

MJPAHS is supported by the Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences.