Contribution of Laxmi Pati Pandey: A Comprehensive Study of Nepali Mathematician and Astrologer


  • S. S. Raikhola Department of Mathematics, Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Bhaktapur, T. U.



Royal Astrologer, Bhashwati, Ratnadeep, Contribution, Sundial, Astronomy


This article presents a comprehensive study of the life and contributions of Pandit. Laxmi Pati Pandey, a distinguished mathematician and astrologer from 18th-century Nepal. The historical context is explored to understand the intertwining of mathematics and astronomy in Nepalese culture, with a focus on the significance of mathematical induction and the evolution of mathematical thought in Shah era of Nepal. It outlines the historical relationship between mathematics and astronomy in Indian culture, emphasizing the close connection between the two disciplines. It also highlights the emergence of mathematical techniques in Siddhiintas, focusing on their application to solve astronomical problems. The study delves into Laxmi Pati Pandey's mathematical works, including his notable translation of book "Bhaswati," and Sanskrit Text "Ratna Deep". The study adopts a qualitative research design, incorporating historical analysis, content analysis, and interviews. Archival research, literature review, and interviews with descendants and experts are conducted to gather information on Laxmi Pati Pandey's background, contributions, and educational practices. Ethical considerations are highlighted to ensure the respectful treatment of information. Thematic analysis is employed to interpret collected data, identifying key themes related to Laxmi Pati Pandey's contributions and educational practices. The analysis involves a comparison of his work with historical sources to identify potential influences and contributions to Nepali mathematics. The findings reveal Laxmi Pati Pandey's significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including the translation of Sanskrit slokas into Nepali and the writing of mathematical books. His influence on educational practices and the development of mathematical education in Nepal is evident. The study uncovers his intellectual legacy through his descendants, such as Lila Nath Pandey and Gopal Pandey.


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How to Cite

Raikhola, S. S. (2024). Contribution of Laxmi Pati Pandey: A Comprehensive Study of Nepali Mathematician and Astrologer. Pragya Darshan प्रज्ञा दर्शन, 6(1), 44–52.


