A Study on Quality of Life Among Elderly People Living in Old Age Homes in Bangladesh


  • Md. Soyeb Uddin Haider Department of Sociology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh
  • Mohammed Aminur Rahaman Department of Sociology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh




Elderly people, Old age home, Quality of life


Institutional care and support for a portion of the elderly people has become a new reality in the social setting of Bangladesh. This study aimed to explore the quality of life among elderly people living in old age homes in Bangladesh. Further, it focuses to find out the causes of living in old age homes. A sample of 60 elderly people  (40 from free type of old age home and 20 from paid type of old age home) were included for the study in purposive manner. Survey and observation method were conducted among elderly living in old age homes of Old Rehabilitation Centre, Gazipur, Amena-Bashar Old Rehabilitation Center, Chattogram and Probin Nibash, Dhaka. The study examined the facilities offered at old age homes. The study found that negligence of the family members is the most important reason for shifting to the old age homes of elderly people. The study also found that the facilities like medical care, recreational facilities, spiritual facilities, safety, facilities for physical exercise and funeral arrangements were significantly better among elderly living in old age homes, while the facilities like food, accommodation and service of caregivers/staffs were average in the level of satisfaction among elderly living in old age homes. It is important to note that the elderly people have the scope to contribute for the welfare of the society in paid type of old age homes. This paper recommends that institutional facilities and participation in different social activities should be increased to improve the quality of life for the elderly people living in old age homes.

Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 9, Issue-2: 48-54.


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How to Cite

Haider, M. S. U., & Rahaman, M. A. (2022). A Study on Quality of Life Among Elderly People Living in Old Age Homes in Bangladesh. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 9(2), 48–54. https://doi.org/10.3126/ijssm.v9i2.43787



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