Yield and Cost Benefit Assessment of Lentil (Lens culunaris) Differentiated by Scale, Method and Purpose of Production in Nepal


  • Binod Ghimire Agriculture and Forestry University, Faculty of Agriculture, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0546-3496
  • Shiva Chandra Dhakal Agriculture and Forestry University, Faculty of Agriculture, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Santosh Marahatta Agriculture and Forestry University, Faculty of Agriculture, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Ram Chandra Bastakoti Green Resilient and Productive Agricultural Ecosystems (GRAPE)/GIZ, Lalitpur, Nepal




Lentil, Yield, Cost-benefit, Profitable, Nepal


Diverse production system and cultivation methods are followed for lentil crop in Nepal. This study was designed to analyze differentiated yield and cost benefit analysis of lentil by scale, method and purpose of production. Four major lentil producing districts in Nepal was purposively selected and followed multistage sampling. Face-to-face interview method was applied with randomly selected 473 respondents using pre-tested semi-structured interview schedule for primary data collection in 2022. Descriptive statistics, comparative yield analysis, benefit cost analysis methods were adopted and analyzed using MS-excel and STATA software. The average yield (kg/hac.) of lentil was 672.6 in the study area. Yield analysis resulted higher yield with the seed producer (739.1 kg/ha.) followed by improved seed user (706.3 kg/ha.), small scale farms (690.1 kg/ha.), commercial scale farms (658.0 kg./ha.), local seed user and grain producer (652.9 and 653.4 mt/ha.). Again, benefit cost ratio was higher among the seed producer (2.02) indicating lentil seed producing as a higher profitable enterprise followed by improved seed user (1.88), commercial farms (1.79), small scale farms (1.77) and grain producers (1.71). It can be concluded that lentil farming with a purpose of producing seed by the use of improved varietal seed in a commercial scale with good management practices is highly profitable. 

Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 10, Issue-3: 60-65


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How to Cite

Ghimire, B., Dhakal, S. C., Marahatta, S., & Bastakoti, R. C. (2023). Yield and Cost Benefit Assessment of Lentil (Lens culunaris) Differentiated by Scale, Method and Purpose of Production in Nepal. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 10(3), 60–65. https://doi.org/10.3126/ijssm.v10i3.57135



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