Maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with severe pre eclampsia/ eclampsia with and without HELLP syndrome


  • T Gupta Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi
  • N Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi
  • J Jain Post Graduate Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi
  • S Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi
  • P Bhatia Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi
  • J Bagla Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, ESI Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi



HELLP syndrome, Severe pre eclampsia, Maternal mortality


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the occurrence of HELLP syndrome inpatients with severe pre eclampsia & eclampsia and to compare the maternal & perinatal outcome in patients with and without HELLP syndrome (partial and true).

METHOD: This was a prospective longitudinal study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, E.S.I. PGIMSR,NewDelhi from August 2011-April 2013. 50 pregnant women with singleton pregnancy with severe pre eclampsia detected at 28 or more weeks of gestation were enrolled. Patients were divided into three groups: group 1 with severe pre eclampsia, group 2 with severe pre eclampsia with partial HELLP syndrome and group 3 with severe pre eclampsia with true HELLP syndrome. Patients in three groups were compared in regard to maternal complications, gestational age atdelivery, mode ofdelivery, hospital stay andperinatal outcome.

RESULTS: Prevalence of HELLP syndrome in severe pre eclampsia was 40% (partial HELLP= 28% and true= 12%). Antenatal and maternal complications were more in true HELLP syndrome patients as compared to other groups. PPH was observed in 40% of entire study group. DIC was found more in true HELLP syndrome patient with high statistically significant p value<0.001 Blood and its product transfusion was more in true HELLP syndrome. There was 100% ICU admission in group 3. In severe pre eclampsia, 11 neonates had birth weight >2.5kg. Where as in partial and true HELLP syndrome, no neonate had birth weight more than 2.5kg.This difference was statistically significant. There was 100% NICU admission in HELLP syndrome, 91.66% in partial HELLP syndrome and 42.3% in severe preeclampsia. The perinatal morbidity and mortality was higher in HELLP syndrome patients than in patient with severe pre eclampsia without HELLP syndrome.

CONCLUSION: The study concludes that both maternal and perinatal outcome were adverse in HELLP syndrome than in severe pre eclampsia without HELLP syndrome.


Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2013) Vol.1 No.04: 7-12


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How to Cite

Gupta, T., Gupta, N., Jain, J., Gupta, S., Bhatia, P., & Bagla, J. (2014). Maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with severe pre eclampsia/ eclampsia with and without HELLP syndrome. Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences, 1(4), 7–12.



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