Smart Teacher Smart Class Portal in Enhancing Secondary School English Teachers’ English Language Teaching Knowledge in Bangladesh


  • SM Kamruddin Ropum
  • Md Yasin Arafat



English Language Teaching, English Language Teaching Knowledge, Teaching Knowledge Test, Multimedia Content, Smart Class Room, Professional Development


Smart teacher smart class (STSC) is a portal developed by Dnet which contains curriculum, teachers’ guide, education policy, textbook, lesson plan, multimedia contents, and teaching-learning strategies on different subjects aiming to provide content and pedagogical support to the secondary school teachers in Bangladesh. Making an offline CD, the STSC portal is provided to the respective teachers of secondary schools Dnet works with. The regular use of the STSC portal helps the teachers to improve their knowledge about effective teaching-learning techniques. The study was designed as one group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental method to find the effect of STSC portal on secondary school English teachers’ English language teaching knowledge (ELTK). Twenty eight English teachers from 14 secondary schools were selected purposively to form the group and the tests were administered on them considering 6 months intervention (STSC portal) period. The test was adapted from Cambridge language teaching knowledge (TKT) test focusing on different ELT aspects. The tests scores of the teachers were categorized in 4 knowledge levels: limited, basic, deep and extensive. The findings of the study show that the STSC portal induces a significant improvement of the teachers’ ELTK. Most of the teachers showed better performances in the post-test than the pre-test. Moreover, significance (0.001) and effect size score (0.91) also depict a clear and large effect in enhancing teachers’ ELTK.


Journal of NELTA, Vol 19 No. 1-2, December 2014: 147-157


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Author Biographies

SM Kamruddin Ropum

S M Kamruddin Ropum is the Head of Innovations at Dnet and engaged in the development of innovative solutions for the marginalized people especially for the women and children in Bangladesh. He has extensive experience in educational research related to ICT, curriculum, materials, training, etc. and has several published articles.

Md Yasin Arafat

Md. Yasin Arafat mainly works in the field of education. Currently, he is working for Save the Children in Bangladesh. He has widespread experience in integrating ICT in education for improving the education situation in Bangladesh. He has several articles published in different national and international research journals.




How to Cite

Ropum, S. K., & Arafat, M. Y. (2015). Smart Teacher Smart Class Portal in Enhancing Secondary School English Teachers’ English Language Teaching Knowledge in Bangladesh. Journal of NELTA, 19(1-2), 147–157.


