Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
ILAM is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer reviewed yearly research journal published by TUTA, Sanothimi Campus, Bhaktapur, Nepal. It provides a forum for the publication of scholarly articles in a wide range of areas such as: Education, Teaching, Training, Health, Sports, Language, and Mathematics. It accepts manuscripts submitted through e-mail attachments to the Editorial Board. Authors will be notified by email that their manuscript has been received.
Publication Frequency
ILAM is published annually.
Open Access Policy
ILAM provides immediate open access to its digital content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Peer Review Policy
ILAM uses a double-blind peer review system. Prior to review by the board of editors, each paper is screened by the Member of the Editorial Board to check its suitability in favor of publication. If it is considered for publication, the Corresponding Author will receive a notification of peer-review process. All manuscripts are reviewed by an editor and members of the Editorial Board or qualified outside reviewers. The journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within one month. The editorial board re-review manuscripts that are accepted until they are revised. The manuscripts will be published within two months after acceptance. Upon the completion of the review process, an article will receive an evaluation result as follows:
- Accepted
- Accepted with minor revision
- Accepted with major revision
- Rejected or declined.
Sources of Support
The publication cost is covered by the TUTA Sanothimi Campus.
ILAM is published by TUTA, Sanothimi Campus, Bhaktapur, Nepal.