About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Bikasko Nimti Shiksha (विकासको निम्ति शिक्षा) is published by the Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development, CERID, Tribhuvan University. It publishes the articles written in the field of education; and the articles can be written on any of the pertinent concerns in education including educational history, planning, contents, pedagogy, evaluation, formal and non-formal education.

Publication Frequency

Bikasko Nimti Shiksha (विकासको निम्ति शिक्षा) is published annually.

Open Access Policy

Bikasko Nimti Shiksha (विकासको निम्ति शिक्षा) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

  • Manuscripts are collected from authors after public notification.
  • The manuscripts are screened by the Editors to see the general format, appropriateness of length, the citations-referencing match, and overall judgment on the appropriateness of writing, etc.
  • After screening, the manuscripts screened out are coded – omitting the identity of the authors (name, affiliation and the like), - keeping the title of the paper is kept the same.
  • The manuscripts are then sent to the relevant expert for peer review; and the reviewer is made anonymous to the author of manuscript. Except for the Chief Editor authorized by the Publication Committee, others remain unknown about the reviewer. The reviewers are provided with a peer review form and they give their feedback along with critical remarks. The reviews will be done by two reviewers.
  • After the peer reviewer sends their judgement and feedback on the paper, the Editorial Board decides whether the paper is acceptable or not. If it is acceptable and publishable as it is (with no need for substantial rewriting), it is sent to a language editor for finalization. But if there are suggestions for improvement given by reviewer, the Chief Editor (or editor, as authorized by Publication Committee) shares the feedbacks/comments and remarks to the concerned author. The manuscript is improvised in this way. In the case of the manuscripts which are not acceptable, the respective authors are informed accordingly.
  • The language of all the papers processed through the steps mentioned above is edited thoroughly, thus the paper is ready for printing.


Bikasko Nimti Shiksha (विकासको निम्ति शिक्षा) is published by the Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development, CERID